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Great news for those who suffer from pinguecula / ptegyrion !

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  • #61
    Originally posted by tim20112 View Post
    i've been researching a lot about drug development lately and i am pretty sure that this drop has not even started clinical trials. they prob are in the pre trial phase where they believe they have got something and filed a patent. i believe we are a solid 5 years away from this drug coming to market if everything goes smoothly. of course, with drugs, that is a big IF.
    Yes, but the difference here is that the drug they are working with has already been on the market for years and has been already proven safe so hopefully it will be produced quicker. Let's all cross our fingers. Why would they keep telling us it will be available for purchase soon? Ugh!!! Frustrating!!!!


    • #62
      Does anyone have any updates?


      • #63
        Originally posted by crev177 View Post
        Does anyone have any updates?
        Nothing new I'm afraid. Just playing the waiting game.



        • #64
          Hi everyone,

          I also spoke with Shira and this is what she told me:

          "We are still in the process of developing clinical trials- nothing is currently open. If you'd like to be considered for one, please let us know your geographic location and we will put that on file. We are also in the process of arranging for the manufacturing of the eye drops but the first phase of that process is still 2-3 months away from completion, so it's going to be some time."

          When I then inquired about a specific time frame for when these drops would be available commercially, she replied:

          "I'd love to be able to give you a definitive time frame, but there are contingencies on the later stages of manufacturing that are not known right now. So I'm afraid I can only say that we currently expect the next stage will take 2-3 months, and after that we will try to update everyone when the next time frame is known.
          Apologies on not being able to be more specific at the moment..."

          I just recently contacted a compounding pharmacy and asked if they would be able to produce this eye drop(I also sent them the article). They researched it and told me it was possible, but that shelf life would be very short due to limited stability research on the drop. I then emailed Shira again asking about shelf-life and stability and she said they were currently undergoing stability testing and she'd have more info in a few months (she sent me that email today).

          But anyways, the compounding pharmacy said they could do it if I and my opthamologist were comfortable with the limited research on this drop. He told me to have my doctor give him a call. So now I just need to convince my doctor to let me try it, as he's a bit hesitant with the limited info on it.

          If anyone here is interested in going through a compounding pharmacy, pm me. Or if anyone who has a very open-minded doctor who would be on board with this, let me know.

          Hope you're all having a good day.


          • #65
            I can echo what Chels23 says

            After a period of the comms from Medinsight being a bit irregular shall we say - they are now very regularly keeping me informed of progress and the key issue is making sure the stability angle is researched and tested thoroughly because at the moment refrigeration is needed in order to maintain optimal concentrations

            While i trully admire RealMadrid for his approach i would far rather wait for a serious research company like medinsight to finalise their results - time does seem to be going slowly but it always does when you really want something - in England the saying is "a watched kettle never boils" - zero logic but true all the same ;-)


            • #66
              Originally posted by steveyez View Post
              I can echo what Chels23 says

              After a period of the comms from Medinsight being a bit irregular shall we say - they are now very regularly keeping me informed of progress and the key issue is making sure the stability angle is researched and tested thoroughly because at the moment refrigeration is needed in order to maintain optimal concentrations

              While i trully admire RealMadrid for his approach i would far rather wait for a serious research company like medinsight to finalise their results - time does seem to be going slowly but it always does when you really want something - in England the saying is "a watched kettle never boils" - zero logic but true all the same ;-)
              I was thinking, while don't we compile together our questions together in one email to Medinsight (I don't mind emailing and can cc other people in?)

              There seems to be a lot of us wanting to know many different things about these drops so thought it would be easier to ask all at once.


              • #67
                Hello everybody from Spain!! Irun/Hondarribia

                Two weeks ago I found a pinguecula in my left eye that comes with a non stopping itching sensation. I have found your web after an internet searching. I also found the recent study of medinsight. So I am very interested in all kind of news about it. I ve just been diagnosed by my general doctor and in two weeks I wil have an appointment with my optometrist. I ll take with me a copy of that study to see what see says.

                Today I started a five days therapy with diclofenaco, I don´t expect very much, but I ill see how it goes, everything is new for me untill I find the best way to take it.

                I know that I have to buy a pair of sunglasses. Here is not very sunny but, I usually rollerblade outside, so all this and my 46 years old surely add to créate a pinguecula.

                Well, I will tell you if I know any information related to pinguecula treatment. And I will follow all your posts.

                Thanks a lot for sharing!!!


                • #68
                  Hello everybody.
                  I have a little chemistry skills and I feel I could make these drops that realmadrid is making without any trouble. The trouble I am having is finding Pure Dipyridamole for sale on the internet. Could some one help me locate a place to purchase or would one of you that already purchased some be willing to sell some.As you only need so little and have to buy 5g. Thank you in advance. Joe


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by ClaireW View Post
                    I was thinking, while don't we compile together our questions together in one email to Medinsight (I don't mind emailing and can cc other people in?)

                    There seems to be a lot of us wanting to know many different things about these drops so thought it would be easier to ask all at once.
                    Hey Claire,

                    The only answer I want is the one they can't give WHEN! Unfortunately that seems to be getting further and further away.



                    • #70
                      Originally posted by KateIre View Post
                      Hey Claire,

                      The only answer I want is the one they can't give WHEN! Unfortunately that seems to be getting further and further away.

                      Yep all this waiting is driving me crazy too! I thought if there was a lot of us, speaking with one voice, we're likely to get replies a bit faster. I know people are struggling with communication with the company.

                      I guess things I want to know is the price they are planning to market them for? Any known side effects? Is it likely to be out early next year at this rate, would can be out realistic expectation?

                      Is there anyone else who wants to know certain things about this drop or wants to be cc'd into the email? I'll wait a week but then I'm going to go ahead and write to them.


                      • #71
                        Hello ClaireW, yes, I want to know about it, I am from Spain, Irún, my name is Luis Javier, and my mail: I would like to be cc'd into the email. Anyway in two weeks time I will visit my optometrist and I will tell you what she thinks about it. Thanks!!


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by ClaireW View Post
                          Yep all this waiting is driving me crazy too! I thought if there was a lot of us, speaking with one voice, we're likely to get replies a bit faster. I know people are struggling with communication with the company.

                          I guess things I want to know is the price they are planning to market them for? Any known side effects? Is it likely to be out early next year at this rate, would can be out realistic expectation?

                          Is there anyone else who wants to know certain things about this drop or wants to be cc'd into the email? I'll wait a week but then I'm going to go ahead and write to them.

                          Hi Claire,

                          Good idea about sending an email we can all be a part of. Please include me too:

                          Hopefully I am wrong, but I think it will take longer than we would all hope for these drops to come to market. However, as they find out more about the drops, they might share the information and we can use it to have a compounding pharmacy make them for us. I don't think these drops are hard to make, but what gets risky is how novel they are and not well understood.


                          • #73
                            Hi everyone, so after the great advice chels gave us, I contacted almost every compounding pharmacy in Canada, most of them said they could not do them for a number of reasons, some of them said because it was still on a patent, others said because it wasn't approved by health Canada, others said they were not able to find the raw ingredients, others said it would be possible but I needed a prescription from my doctor, which by the way he said a big NO to me because he said he couldn't prescribe me something that was on a case report.
                            So since optometrist in Ontario can prescribe certain drugs I gave it a tried and convinced my friendly optometrist to give me a prescription, she wasn't so sure at first but I Literally begged her.
                            The good news is that I found a pharmacy willing to help me and they had no trouble with my prescription from my optometrist, I get the eye drops on Tuesday and I will let you know guys how it goes, I really want to thank you chels for giving us this great idea and guys I really encourage you to contact a compounding pharmacy and see if they can help you, I am a very desparete guy so I could not wait any longer for these drops, if you guys have any questions I will be happy to answer them!
                            Bonne Journée! Salut!


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by crev177 View Post
                              Hi everyone, so after the great advice chels gave us, I contacted almost every compounding pharmacy in Canada, most of them said they could not do them for a number of reasons, some of them said because it was still on a patent, others said because it wasn't approved by health Canada, others said they were not able to find the raw ingredients, others said it would be possible but I needed a prescription from my doctor, which by the way he said a big NO to me because he said he couldn't prescribe me something that was on a case report.
                              So since optometrist in Ontario can prescribe certain drugs I gave it a tried and convinced my friendly optometrist to give me a prescription, she wasn't so sure at first but I Literally begged her.
                              The good news is that I found a pharmacy willing to help me and they had no trouble with my prescription from my optometrist, I get the eye drops on Tuesday and I will let you know guys how it goes, I really want to thank you chels for giving us this great idea and guys I really encourage you to contact a compounding pharmacy and see if they can help you, I am a very desparete guy so I could not wait any longer for these drops, if you guys have any questions I will be happy to answer them!
                              Bonne Journée! Salut!
                              Please take great care Crev and thanks for keeping us informed - I'm going to wait for medInsight as they seem to know exactly what they're doing and the delay is for safety and efficacy reasons - fingers crossed you get marvellous results


                              • #75
                                I have made these eyedrops on my own according to the report case and i am using them twice a day a week now. Every time i put a drop in the eye it burns like hell!!Is it the citric acid inside them?I haven'τ seen any improvement to the redness until now....

