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Halos (Rainbow) due to dry eyes?

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  • Halos (Rainbow) due to dry eyes?

    Hey group,

    Been a while since I posted here. Back then it for a RCE in my left eye started by a piece of metal being in it for a few weeks. That FINALLY stopped (KNOCK ON WOOD) though it took a bit of a toll on the vision in that eye. I am now experiencing a new problem. Let me preface it with I do have severe dry eye. For example, the other night I fell asleep on the couch and slept a few hours without putting my Muro in and wow were my eyes painfully dry and blurry when I awoke! I had probably hit them with Systane Ultra a few minutes before drifting off too. I had to stay up hitting them with Systane and letting the humidifier run in the bedroom before I felt comfortable putting a generous amount of Muro in and lying down (when you wake up to RCEs for iver a year you get very cautious of dry eye and sleeping as I am sure many of you know). I use Restasis prescribed by my ophthalmologist (one drop morning, one drop evening in each) last year after he identified dry eyes before I even told him through examination of my eyes. I then use Systane Ultra throughout the day as needed (nothing else really does the trick, even other Systane formulas) and Muro at night (though after my house burnt in April I went a few months without doing this and had to wake up to drop frequently).

    Back to the new issue. Last year I started noticing some halos around lights at night. It prompted me getting started with an ophthalmologist versus just my normal optometrist, and a highly rated one at that. He identified the dry eye, checked pressure etc. This year the halos seem to have grown a bit and now, I THINK include rainbow halos. I say THINK because I am a bit unique. I am R/G colorblind due to my cones having an issue from birth. I am also myopic and can't be completely fixed with glasses from birth too due issues (hit the jackpot, huh?). So, it looks like different colors to me, but color are not my forte! Now, I researched and found things pointing to glaucoma, especially one post here where someone was told NOTHING can cause rainbow halos for anyone ever except glaucoma. So, I was convinced I had glaucoma. So, I moved my yearly appointment with the doc up from December to 2 weeks ago.

    Aside from the halos I don't think I am experiencing the other symptoms though. My halos are consistently there. I don't particularly notice any pain with them most of the time. The other part of the time there may be a headache or some pain in/behind the eye but doesn't seem to directly relate. I even had one of these pains behind my left eye the morning of my appointment. So, wanting the facts I didn't treat it and it was there when they checked my pressure (15 and 16, not sure which for which eye) and while he did his dilated examination. That was a mistake as it took me to late afternoon to beat it down then. Anyhow, aside form low pressures he saw nothing. I made VERY clear my concerns about glaucoma and wanting to catch it early. I asked several times straight up "So no signs or chance at of it being glaucoma?" and he was very steadfast as to no. He even mentioned that with my eyes the kind I would get is the acute closure and he sees no signs at all of it. In addition to the no pain I also seem to have all my peripheral vision.

    My eyes blur sometimes, but it seems directly related to lack of sleep 2-4 hours usually with work and finishing up my Masters). The halos even seem to be affected by my sleep (and eye dryness somewhat). Also folks told me that if I had glaucoma pain "I'd know it". As an example, I don't recall eye pain more than a minor throbbing in the last 2 weeks aside from when I drove 4 hours to a project, did not sleep and stayed awake/worked the rest of the day.

    I am sorry for the novel, but looking for some answers/reassurance. I just want to catch anything I can and treat it ASAP. It definitely stresses me and the doc didn't have any concrete ideas on the cause from his examination but sees nothing to him to cause any concern in my eyes.

    Any help/advice is appreciated as always friend.


  • #2
    It sounds like you have done a good job of ruling out retinal causes. That pretty much leaves cornea. That's a lot less scary

    Can't comment on the rainbow part... cones are beyond me

    But halos are fairly common either from dryness, or inflammation or edema in the cornea. I have enormous halos in my left eye at night because of infections.

    Have you ever put in drops and observed the effect, at night, in the minute or two immediately following? That could tell you something about whether it's surface dryness.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation


    • #3
      Hey Rebecca, thanks for the response! I was super-scared but knew that figuring it out ASAP was the thing to do for the best outcome. I have tried the drop thing and it helps minimally.

      One thing I do notice - I am working on my Masters and often stay at work till well into the night. My Restasis is at home until recently I've kept a few vials at work. Now, i can tell a big difference in size and intensity if I've gotten my evening dose on schedule versus if not.

      Another thing I forgot to mention is he gave me an eye exam with new script. He said the script was virtually the same as the one I had from early 2013 before I had any halos which started late 2013 roughly a year ago. Them being constant I'd imagine glaucoma wouid've by this point done some changing, no?

      Oh, and I have noticed increased floaters as well.

      Just thought I'd add in some details.

