I was wondering about this as sensitivity to light is one of the biggest problems for me. Is there actually too much light reaching
inside the eye (thinking long term consequences like MD/damage to retina) or is it just the sensation of too much light entering the eye? I have a strong avoidance reflex to glare (i cant drive at night bc of the car headlights or on a sunny day)- surely this reflex to avoid is your body telling you the light is doing you harm? Ive had it for 4 years now, and if anything it is getting worse.
inside the eye (thinking long term consequences like MD/damage to retina) or is it just the sensation of too much light entering the eye? I have a strong avoidance reflex to glare (i cant drive at night bc of the car headlights or on a sunny day)- surely this reflex to avoid is your body telling you the light is doing you harm? Ive had it for 4 years now, and if anything it is getting worse.