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  • Mgd

    How to make sure that you have MGD?

  • #2
    Well for starters, you should see an ophtalmologist specialised in dry eye or corneal surface...

    But you can always try to express your glands by pressing on your eyelids with a q-tip while looking into the mirror to see if something comes out.
    It should be clear and fluent oil. MGD patients tend to have toothpaste like secretion or reduced secretion. In some patients, like me a while back, nothing comes out, possibly indicating plugged glands.
    (Make sure the mirror it is at least x10 magnification, or you won't see anything.)

    Also, what kind of symptomes are you experiencing?
    In MGD patients with dryness as their main problem, it tends to be worse in the early morning and also towards the evening.

    Another thing you could check is the inflammation of your (inner) eyelids.
    If your eyelids are very red and inflamed, that could also be an indication.

    Good luck.


    • #3
      I have seen many eye docs and last time when I asked about my glands, doc said that they are not clogged, but they are quite thick.

      I only have 2x magnification mirror, so when I press on my eyelids, I see nothing coming out, but after presing eyelids my tear film looks similar to oil in water. Is it oil in my tear film?

      I don't experience much symptomes any more, cuz I have 4 plugs. Only red blood vessels under the eyelids and some tenderness to air con, computer and wind. Before plugs I even could not keep my eyes open, they were hell.
      Last edited by Merka; 06-Nov-2014, 15:01.


      • #4
        And what are symtomes of an aqueous deficiency?

        I have been diagnosed with dry eyes, but the reason is unknown.

        What are possible reasons why eyes become dry (excluding other conditions like Sjögrens etc)??

