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Trip to the US and treatments (Sclerals, Prokera)

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  • Trip to the US and treatments (Sclerals, Prokera)

    I will travel to Dallas next year to do my scleral lenses (LaserFitLens / Dr. Gemoules / Dallas).

    But I'm thinking of trying the treatment prokera too. The problem is I'm kinda lost and do not know how to look for an ophthalmologist to do the treatment in the Dallas area.

    I sent an email to BioTissue (the company that produces the prokera), but got no response.

    Someone who lives in the US could help me as I start researching this? (To find an eye doctor, make an appointment, to know about prices and everything else.)

    Since I'm going to spend the money for a trip, I think it might be a good investment.

    If anyone has any other ideas of treatment for post-Lasik I can do in America, you can talk!

    Thanks again for everyone's help!

  • #2
    I found this office on google that does prokera lenses in Dallas. I would just give them a call and explain your situation. It seems a lot of places dont advertise the prokera lens, so if that doesnt work out just google eye care offices in Dallas and email or call them and ask if they offer prokera lenses and if they would be able to get you in during the time you will be here. I would add that you're flying in from out of the country, they might be more sympathetic in scheduling you.

    Not a treatment, but another thing you might consider is getting a meibography so you can see what shape each of you individual glands are in.


    • #3
      It might be worth posing the question to Dr. G. I'd think he might know some doctors in the area.


      • #4

        You're right.
        First I'll use google search to find ophthalmologists.
        So I'm going to contact them directly via email or phone. International calls at hangout or by skype will help me.

        I tried to find the meibomiography here in my country. I went to an appointment with an ophthalmologist who is President of the Pan-American Society of cornea. I asked his Assistant about the meibomiography. He doesn't know what that is.

        You know how much does a meibomiografia?

        Thanks for the ideas.


        An excellent idea. Dr. g. was very welcoming to me (posting this in the middle of a discussion if we should expose the names of doctors or not).

        But really. He was exchanging e-mails with me during Saturday and Sunday at dawn. I couldn't believe it.

        So I think he can help me in these matters too.


        • #5
          Prokera can be ordered by any ophthalmologist from the manufacturer Biotissue, they are extremely easy to put in and take out, it's basically just a large contact. May I ask why your considering prokera, is your dry eye lasik related?


          • #6
            Phillips, yes, i´m a post-lasik.

            I read your topic about prokera and i´m think it´s a good bet.
            I know it is not developed for chronic dry eye. I´m searching for off-label benefits.

            After this trip, i probably would not return to Usa soon. So, i need make all procedures while i´m the usa.

            Do you know how much it costs?


            • #7
              Originally posted by André Pereira View Post
              You know how much does a meibomiografia?
              It was $150.00

