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Oh that hurts--or a reminder to be careful

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  • Oh that hurts--or a reminder to be careful

    This a.m. before anything, I went to put drops in my eyes. I remember seeing the red "spout" as I positioned the drops. Well, since I use NutraTear a lot I expected just relief.

    Well, I was not wearing my glasses and not fully awake and had gotten my hands on a bottle of Boston lens cleaner. That "red spout" was telling me not to use this in my eye --in case I couldn't read. Well, thinking it was just NutraTear...........

    I went to the kitchen sink and got the spray hose and squirted lots of water in the eye for several minutes. It hurt and was really red. This is my goober eye and hurts all the time anyhow. Boy, now it is super hot. I've been doing extra drops all day and decided not to call my ophth or go to ER. Maybe not a good idea. I can say that 10 hours later, the eye is red and super burning. I have my regular quarterly "standing appointment" next week on Tuesday and will find out how much of a mistake I made by not calling the doc. I can't see out of this eye, plus is very painful and dry all the time so I didn't see how much it could hurt.

    Sorry--reason to post is to say that we must be careful. It's not the first time I've put the wrong thing in my eye, probably won't be the last. I'll remember that the "red" nozzle just may not be NutraTear and take a closer look. Just call me Squint.
    Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

    The Dry Eye Queen

  • #2
    Oh noooooooooo!

    Oh man Luce, I'm sorry. That stuff is merciless. I'll never forget the time I dumped Lobob extra strength cleaner in my eye in a hotel room in Dallas. I was on the phone with DrG within seconds. NutraTear has a white cap but that doesn't stop me from making bloopers ... in fact, once in awhile I'll pick up NutraTear instead of the cleaner when I need to clean my sclerals.

    p.s. If you're ever unlucky enough to have something like that happen again, empty a bottle of Unisol on your eye rather than tap water if available.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation


    • #3
      Rebecca, I should have added that I did have Unisol and used that as a chaser after the water.

      Even though Nutratear has a white top.......I was past the top......without paying attention.......and had the bottle upended already pointing into my eye and saw RED which is what you see when you instill NutraTear through the clear plastic. Imagine my surprise.

      Now a little Dakrina..........think I need the trusty icepack tonight.
      Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

      The Dry Eye Queen


      • #4
        I'm So Sorry! Something very similar happened to me 2 weeks ago. I woke up in the middle of the night very congested (and sleepy) and when I sprayed nasal spray "nasacort" I missed my nose and it went to my left eye. I rinsed with eye wahs but next day I was paying for it. I called the doctor and he said just to avoid going aoutdoors, use gentel gel and systayne every hr. I did that and I felt better 2 days after.
        Other tips:
        I close my eyes when I shampoo my hair, and when I open anything that can accidentaly go in my eyes. I even llook the other way. I had shower gel in my eyes more than once, bad experience!
        Another one VERY important:
        When you clean the bathroom NEVER mix products, they can create a Chlorine fume. That "also" happned to me causing some corneal abrassion....So please be careful. We can't afford these accidents!
        Dr eyes caused by long term contact lens wear


        • #5
          Lucy, good grief I'm so sorry! I hope you've seen some improvement this morning.

          I once put an alcohol/boric acid "swimmers ear" prevention drop into my eye after swimming. My eye was already feeling bad from the cholorine in the pool. I ended up at the ER.

          Keep us posted how you are doing today. It could take a while to feel its normal lousy self I would imagine.

          Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


          • #6
            Thanks, Diana. I am better today. It is almost it's old lousy self again. I suspect by tomorrow any ramifications will be gone. Dr. Butcher will see me on Tuesday and I probably won't even tell him. He'll blame that on all my eye problems.

            Well, what do you expect putting some very toxic material into your eye? You should know better.
            Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

            The Dry Eye Queen


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lucy
              Well, what do you expect putting some very toxic material into your eye? You should know better.
              I did it for six and a half years, so .....


              • #8
                I'm a fast learner, Neil. Once was enough. I must admit to doing a peroxide drop while I was hurrying to leave the Boston Foundation offices last year.
                Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

                The Dry Eye Queen

