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dipyridamole drops now available

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  • dipyridamole drops now available

    I just got an email this morning from Shira Bienstock


    In our past communications with you, we assured you that we would inform you at the earliest opportunity about the availability of dipyridamole eye drops.

    After a lot of formulation and stability studies, a specialist Israeli compounding pharmacy has started to ship the dipyridamole eye drops.

    Since the concentration of dipyridamole is equivalent to D5 in homeopathic concentration, this enables sale of these drops as a homeopathic formulation without a need for prescription.

    The product can be purchased through the website They ship worldwide.
    Thank you for your patience. We continue our work to move this product through the regulatory process and hopefully make it available locally in every country in the future.
    We will be grateful for any feedback you can provide us concerning this product’s use and for any financial support for ongoing studies.
    The MedInsight Research Institute"

  • #2
    Great news! My main concern is red eye.
    Do you know if the formulation of these eye drops is the same than in this document?


    • #3
      Storage Requirements: Store in a cool place out of direct light. After opening refrigerate and use within 2 weeks

      85$ 2 weeks -> 4420$ 1 year


      • #4
        Originally posted by realMadridFTW View Post
        Storage Requirements: Store in a cool place out of direct light. After opening refrigerate and use within 2 weeks

        85$ 2 weeks -> 4420$ 1 year
        1785 ;p (very expensive I agree)

        Is is the same concentration than your home-made drop? =)


        • #5
          Hi Pauline,

          I was just wondering when you say red eye do you mean if you stop using the drops inflammation/veins will come back after a certain period of time, I have this worry


          Cath x

          Originally posted by PaulineD View Post
          Great news! My main concern is red eye.
          Do you know if the formulation of these eye drops is the same than in this document?
          27, pinguecula, dry eye, Wirral, UK


          • #6
            Originally posted by cathy8889 View Post
            Hi Pauline,

            I was just wondering when you say red eye do you mean if you stop using the drops inflammation/veins will come back after a certain period of time, I have this worry


            Cath x
            Hi Cath!
            My english is bad and I'm affraid I haven't understand your message: can you rephrase it? =)


            • #7
              Originally posted by PaulineD View Post
              1785 ;p (very expensive I agree)

              Is is the same concentration than your home-made drop? =)
              85*52/2=2210 $

              I don't know the concentration


              • #8
                As these drops are being sold as a homeopathic formulation, the amount of dipyridamole would be very low. 170.00 per mo. plus shipping is a bit much, I think. I've developed a rather cynical attitude toward a lot of the treatments offered to us and feel like this is another way to profit off the misery we struggle with everyday. Just my opinion.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bunnyrabbit123 View Post
                  As these drops are being sold as a homeopathic formulation, the amount of dipyridamole would be very low. 170.00 per mo. plus shipping is a bit much, I think. I've developed a rather cynical attitude toward a lot of the treatments offered to us and feel like this is another way to profit off the misery we struggle with everyday. Just my opinion.
                  Hi bunny!

                  Totally understand you're feeling a bit cynical, however I hope to be the carrier of some good news in regards to these drops. I have used these drops through a compounding pharmacy before they were available and have seen a difference with my eyes. The veins are fading (slowly but surely) I feel tears with every blink, they look a lot glossier too. I will try and post some pics showing the difference tomorrow.

                  The company who have produced these drops (MedInSight) are a not for profit organisation. They rely heavily on funding to seek out alternative remedies for difficult diseases. I imagine the price is so high because they have thrown a lot of time and research on this and have thrown a lot of money into producing them.

                  I totally understand people who rather not risk spending money on this, or who are wary - I was too! Just saying from my view point it seems to be working.


                  • #10
                    Hi Claire!
                    When you say "the veins", do you speak about a pterygium or about the redness of the eye?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by PaulineD View Post
                      Hi Claire!
                      When you say "the veins", do you speak about a pterygium or about the redness of the eye?

                      I suffer from pinguecula with red veins leading into it, so I'm referring to the actual veins. I believe, by reading the patent for these drops, that a pterygium takes a bit longer to get rid of (anything from eight weeks to a year).


                      • #12
                        I see a way to do the drops cheaper... The unit contains 10ml, that we have to use in two weeks once opened. If they would offer 2ml units (comparing with others drops it is enough, even smaller units) Treatment would be much cheaper.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Luisja View Post
                          I see a way to do the drops cheaper... The unit contains 10ml, that we have to use in two weeks once opened. If they would offer 2ml units (comparing with others drops it is enough, even smaller units) Treatment would be much cheaper.

                          I don't want to seem like I'm constantly defending these drops but the way I look at it is it's far cheaper than surgery, or that risky ibrite procedure. I have spent over a year trying to get rid of my ugly red veins in my eye - and the yellowness. Over this year my confidence has been crushed, I lost my job, the psychological effects are overwhelming. These drops have given me so much hope. The ugliness in my eyes are fading and I feel my eyes are more comfy too. I don't think these drops are meant for long term use, it says in the patent they resolve inflammation, neovascularization, pink eye, ulcers... In under a month. That's two bottles. For pings and ptrgiuems yes you may have to use it for quite a few months but once it's gone it's gone.

                          There's always a risk with these things returning but this is a better, safer way to restore whiteness and comfort to the eyes. To me the money was worth it!


                          • #14
                            Are the company interested in following you all up for side effects? Are they going for trials? As PaulineD asks, is this it? patents/WO2014141079A1?cl=en Does anyone have ophthalmology or microscope checks?
                            Last edited by littlemermaid; 13-Jan-2015, 05:14.
                            Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


                            • #15
                              Thanks Clairew for your work that has leaded to a soon production. I think I will order two units at the moment. I think that it is a big achievement to have them so soon at the market. I Have already written to the Israelian pharmacy, proposing that way to do it cheaper, and maybe to know why could be imposible. Effectivness and duration of the treatment will make the drops cheaper or more expensive too.

                              The 2 weeks stirility if it extended will make the process cheaper. But wich is the risk of using a non steril drop, to do the treatment cheaper. Would it be sterile if we froze every day the drops after use? Just thinking...

