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New invention to treat dry eye on it's way!

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  • New invention to treat dry eye on it's way!

    A new technology, using mild electrical pulses to stimulate the lacrimal gland, seems very promising. During animal trials the increase of tears was up to five fold!
    I e-mailed Michael Ackermann, the CEO of Oculeve (the company behind the product) and he said the product will most likely launch later this year in a few countries outside the U.S. (including Canada).

    You can read about the product here:

  • #2
    More info:

    I'm surprised to not see more enthusiasm about this. I really think this could be the dry eye revolution that we've been waiting for!


    • #3
      This does sound promising! I heard about it a while back.
      Great to hear it is going to be launching.
      Thanks for sharing.


      • #4
        I do take issue with them saying there is "no cure". They say the same for Fibromyalgia, and many other conditions.

        The cure for alot of these conditions is stem cells & other means which get at the root of things.

        So these articles should call a spade a spade and say instead:
        "The best likely cure for this is stem cell technology, perhaps combined with photo-technology & other advanced technologies, which are currently being suppressed due to profit-based politics."
        CHEERIO! HELIO! Dry Eye Minni



        • #5
          Hi OlympusMons. I am SUPER excited about this product as well. I first read about it in January of this year I think? I have posted a few things about Allergan acquiring Oculeve (Dr. Ackerman's company). They are currently doing active trials of the product...I am watching this closely. If you hear anything more let me know!!


          • #6
            Not to rain on the rosy bubble, but what proof that this technology may not be one of various potential trojan horses enabling RFID chips to gain a foothold?
            CHEERIO! HELIO! Dry Eye Minni



            • #7
              Originally posted by Minni View Post
              Not to rain on the rosy bubble, but what proof that this technology may not be one of various potential trojan horses enabling RFID chips to gain a foothold?
              Strangest post I've read here so far.


              • #8
                OompaLoompa, Although this is a contender 'one room temperature portable water enema cools your eye very nicely.'

                Minni, You might be interested in 'genome editing', although the hold-up is ethical debate rather than funding.

                OlympusMons, Thank you. Hopefully, there will be more new inventions to diagnose and treat eyes in DEWS II
                Last edited by littlemermaid; 09-Dec-2015, 04:35.
                Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


                • #9
                  Are there any serious side effects to it? And is it a one time treatment or is it something you have to get done regularly?

