Litterally dont know how to cope as i thought I would be able to get some relief by means of management. Feel like im stuck always chasing wanting relief and lack of many treatments in the uk. More so, how is anyone to cope with a disease every single day for the rest of their lives? I'm struggling to get relief if im honest. I'm tired and exhausted, but im not the only one there is lots of people out there. I just im sick of this chronic disease. I dont know how I'm going to cope in future years as no relief is annoying me... just annoyed at how little research is for the disease. I've managed the disease at best as I can but still not that far away, and not sure how to get to it?
just wishing research would pick up and one day be free of the chains from dry eyes..... its depressing and effects your life... im just so fed up and angry, having to mainrain what seems a simple disease to others. Jusr unsure despite anger and depression, how to keep happy and keep going with this disease? I'm going to start a new job, but I had hoped for relief before it. Mgd seems so hard to keep under control!
just wishing research would pick up and one day be free of the chains from dry eyes..... its depressing and effects your life... im just so fed up and angry, having to mainrain what seems a simple disease to others. Jusr unsure despite anger and depression, how to keep happy and keep going with this disease? I'm going to start a new job, but I had hoped for relief before it. Mgd seems so hard to keep under control!