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Superficial Keretectomy. 11 Days post op, concerned about recovery

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  • Superficial Keretectomy. 11 Days post op, concerned about recovery

    Hey guys, new member here. So I recently had a superficial keratectomy done on my left eye on Feb 6th and wanted to get some input on others experience on the recovery of this procedure. Really quick I’d like to fill everyone in on my history. So I’m completely blind in my right eye leaving my left eye the only one with vision. I’ve had detached retinas in both eyes, and currently take Glaucoma drops for my only good eye. So now that I gave you guys some background I will go into my recent issues. I started having constant erosions since this past September. I did the bandage lens, tear drops, Muro drops and all. It helped a bit but still I was having serious erosions almost every night, as It’s my only eye I was afraid of doing surgery. I finally caved in after dealing with it for months, but only because my vision was starting to become highly affected. A week before surgery my vision got really cloudy/hazy. It started to clear up a little on its own but I still wanted to do surgery of course. The doctor said the anterior portion of my cornea that was rugged wasn’t lying flat so surgery was the next step. So it’s been 11 days since the procedure now and my vision is very hazy just like before the procedure. My vision is constantly changing, at times it’s ok in the morning and as the day goes on it worsens to where I can’t read what’s in front of me, also I start having double vision or triple vision at times when it comes to traffic lights. Ive experienced this before surgery but the double vision used to drag down and now it’s dragging up. The constant changes are so frustrating especially considering the day of surgery and day after my vision was the best I’ve ever seen it in a while with no double vision or haziness. The haziness is worst around bright colors, and of course day time. I feel as the cells of the cornea started to regenerate is when it started to become blurry/problematic again. Also my pain level hasn’t been too bad just a bit of discomfort at times and the eye feeling tired. My bandage lens is still in, and I’m taking an antibiotic and steroid drop. My question to everyone is, how long did it take for your eye to fully recover? Also, how many days after surgery was your cornea reformed? I’m worried that my vision won’t go back to normal, and it’s quite a scary thought considering its my only good eye. Did anyone else experience this kind of problems with their vision post procedure? How did you deal with it, or how long did it take for your vision to stabilize. Also I haven’t worked since late January due to my vision.

  • #2
    I wanted to bump this up, even though it's an old post. I am supposed to do Superficial Keretectomy on August 1. But I am wondering if anyone can share their recovery experiences?

