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Anyone Have Corneal Neuropathy?

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  • #31
    Hi Caleb,
    Where you Neuropathy came from? Any surgery?Could you please describe what kind of pain do you have? Do you feel pain at night also? Have you tried autologious serum? I'm considering sclerals, so I gaither the information.
    Last edited by Irina; 03-Jun-2015, 13:56.


    • #32
      Thanks for some great info. Caleb. It sounds like not many things have worked for you, but I am glad to hear the scleral's have helped. I was never able to wear contact lenses, so do not know whether or not I would be able to wear scleral lenses. Just got some prescription glasses with moisture chambers, but they are too big for my face, so they tend to slide off and air comes in around the edges. Thank you for the helpful information, and I hope the vitamin D helps.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Irina View Post
        Hi Caleb,
        Where you Neuropathy came from? Any surgery?Could you please describe what kind of pain do you have? Do you feel pain at night also? Have you tried autologious serum? I'm considering sclerals, so I gaither the information.
        I had PRK eye surgery in June 2010. First symptoms didn't occur until a year after the surgery. It used to only be a light pain occasionally in the right eye. It's progressed to moderate pain constantly in the right eye. Pain feels like a sharp pinching pain most of the time. The pain goes away when I sleep, but comes back about 10min after waking up. It's often amplified by computer use.

        I haven't tried autologous serum yet. I'm actually in the process of getting it now.

        I definitely suffer from neuropathic (aka spontaneous/centralized) pain because not all the pain goes away when I put anesthetic in my eye. Similarly, not all the pain goes away when using the sclerals, but they do help to reduce at least some of my pain. Hope this helps


        • #34
          Thank you Caleb for sharing your expirience with us. I'm glad to hear that sclerals help you to reduce pain. What is the name of sclerals you have?
          Good luck with serum drops! Keep us posting about you progress with them. I hope you will get more relief with them!


          • #35
            LaDiva, I could wear contacts before LASIK, but after it my right eye is very sensitive to the contact lens.However, sclerals don't touch your cornea, so I think you might be able to wear them. I decide to continue using serum for 3 more months and also try accupuncture. If nothing helps, my next step will be scleral lens for my right eye. I found the doctor who works with eyeprintpro lenses not far from me.


            • #36
              Which pain

              Which are you main sympthoms from the corneal neuropathy?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Irina View Post
                Thank you Caleb for sharing your expirience with us. I'm glad to hear that sclerals help you to reduce pain. What is the name of sclerals you have?
                Good luck with serum drops! Keep us posting about you progress with them. I hope you will get more relief with them!
                I have the PROSE lenses... another thing I'll say is I used to struggle with putting them in and taking them out. Really read the manual carefully on how to do this. I'll tell you from experience it can really hurt if you take them out incorrectly. Now I'm a pro at it and its really very easy/painless if you do it exactly how the manual says. I don't think the tech that originally trained me explained it very well


                • #38
                  Hi RFreitas,
                  Like Caleb, I had PRK. My eyes didn't start bothering me until about two years after the surgery. I don't have a pinching pain, as he describes, but my eyes always feel scratchy, achy and burn, even with protective goggles. They hurt. The only time they don't bother me is when I am asleep.

                  Thanks for the heads-up about the Prose lenses, Caleb.


                  • #39
                    RFREITAS, I don't have the diagnosis from the doctor, but she said that it might be a corneal neuropathy because she just can't explain my simptoms. Usually I have feeling that my eye is raw and cold, like I have water on the eyeball and wind blows on it. Sometimes I have sudden foreing body sensation which comes and goes. Also, I have dull pain above the eyebrow and sometimes pain goes to the temple area and down to the upper jaw like you have nerve pain from the root canal. This pain isn't sharp, but it's annoing because it is there whole day. The pain goes away during night or when I close my eye, and becames stronger when I'm nervious.
                    Last edited by Irina; 05-Jun-2015, 13:55.


                    • #40
                      Irina, thank you for the info about the lenses!


                      • #41
                        LaDiva, I so much want us to be pain free. Today I have a bad day. I think I call to the scleral's doctor tomorrow because I can't live with that pain any longer. I pray the scleral lens will help me to reduce pain.


                        • #42
                          Let us know if the lenses help you, Irina. I am so sorry you aren't feeling well! I am not having a very good day either, but I think it is allergies. Sending good wishes!


                          • #43
                            Any of you have contact Dr. Rosenthal? I wish I was at US, I would go there.

                            My pain is not so much in the eyes... but more in my face. Like today, I feel like when you went to the dentist and your face feel numb. But other days my eyes also bother me...
                            Since I quit the anti-depressant these feelings are around here... it is really strange. Also when I quit the medication some of my eye pain change.

                            Also I read (in one of Dr. Rosenthal papers) that magnesium helps with the nerves, so every time I take it and feel better. Not good, but a small change for good. So small is better than nothing. Many of us are deficiente in magnesium!
                            One thing that also has been helping is exercise. Now I walk every day to work, 30m to go and 30 to come back. I really really never believed that exercise could help... but actually it does. I resist a long time to do something, but since I moved and need to walk to work... My pain got better!
                            About vitamin D... I also agree. It's almost summer so I am more exposed to the sun... And I do feel better!
                            So all of this is natural... nothing medical... The major help is with my humor, but all of them helped with my pain (eyes and face).

                            Wish you all good!

                            Maybe you should ask to Dr. Rosenthal to open Thread here to help with some questions. Rebecca?


                            • #44
                              RFREITAS, I personaly didn't contact with Dr. Rosenthal because as I see from his articles , he don't know how to help people with corneal neuropathy. First, he suggests sclerals, and if they don't help, secondary he suggests autologius serum and same drugs-Neurotin and Lirica.The same as we all know.Unfortunatly. Maybe I'm wrong.
                              Could you please tell us about magnesium? What dose helps you? I tried vitamins B6+B12+B2, as my doctor recommended, but didn't notice much improvement.Or I have some, but it's so tiny , so I think I don't have any....


                              • #45
                                Yes, he does not! No one knows, but he seems like a pionner and always have diferent approaches If you read his first articles, he is now more knowlagable.
                                Also, he could diagnose you. At least you would have a certain

                                Once I read a article where he suggests magnesium since this medication help with the nerves. My sisters is GP doctor and she told to take it. I followed her advise and I felt better with the face pain. It wasn't a great improvement but I felt some. Is better than nothing In general I feel a little more confortable with my eyes.

                                I tend to prefer natural solutions.

                                For a long time my battle was to be menthal strong. So I quit the antidepressant, and since then my pain has change. In some aspects for good in other for worse. So, I more resistente to take medications now. So magnesium has been helping and most of us have deficient on it. There is no warm, just good.

                                I always read SAAG post and she said that a small amount of small improvements makes a improvement. So for natural things, like magnesium or vitamin D I am always open. The rest of the medications I don't want to go arounf them for know...

