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Burning lower lids

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  • Burning lower lids

    Since winter started I've been getting some episodes of insane lower lid burning, which after a couple of hours spread to my eyes. The burning always goes away overnight.
    Does anyone know why this is happening? Is it just because my eyes are getting dry? I clean my lid margins once a day and they don't seem particularly red or full of skin flakes like in bad blepharitis.

  • #2
    When do you clean your lids? Morning or night? Also, Is the burning on the outside margin along the lashes or behind the eyelid?


    • #3
      Exactly what I wanted to ask... Do you feel the burning sensation is coming from the inner surfaces of your lower eyelids?

      Or is it on the lid margin or the exterior surfaces of your lower eyelids?

      Each case corresponds to different possibilities.


      • #4
        Hi both. It's on my outer lower lids and the lid margin, definitely not the inside.
        I clean my lids sometimes at night, sometimes nt he morning depending how they look and what I remember. I've recently been using cling film at night too. It works so well to keep my eyes moist at night compared to googles but I wondered if it was encoragin bacteria.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lena11 View Post
          Hi both. It's on my outer lower lids and the lid margin, definitely not the inside.
          I clean my lids sometimes at night, sometimes nt he morning depending how they look and what I remember. I've recently been using cling film at night too. It works so well to keep my eyes moist at night compared to googles but I wondered if it was encoragin bacteria.
          Since your outer lower lids are affected along with your lid margins the possibilities are :

          1. Bacterial blepharitis : Do you observe crusting or flaking of eyelid skin?

          Do you observe yellowish eye "gunk" on your eyelashes?

          If yes it could be staphylococcal blepharitis.
          How long have you been using cling film?

          A seal around your eyes trapping moisture for 8 hours or more and letting no oxygen in could definitely provide an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply abnormally.

          Have your eyelids got inflamed after you started using the cling film?

          2. Demodex blepharitis : Do you see cylindrical dandruff like deposits at the 'base' of your eyelashes?

          Do your eyes itch intensely at times despite having no "eye gunk" along the eyelashes?

          Do you have misdirected eyelashes and in general eyelash loss?

          If yes it's most probably a demodex infestation causing blepharitis.

          3. Have you noticed the inflammation after you have started scrubbing your eyelids?

          If yes you could be allergic to some ingredients in your eyelid scrub or the eyelid scrub has too harsh ingredients for your sensitive skin.



          • #6
            I just checked my diary and I had a really bad burning this week the day after using goggles rather than cling film so hope that's not the culprit. Because of the way I sleep goggles give me terrible neck pain and my eyes dry out even wearing them. Maybe I should try an eye mask and taping rather than cling film to see if that makes a difference.

            My symptoms probably most match number 2/3. Right now my lower eye lids are burning and they look great, definitely no yellow gunk, maybe a tiny bit red. I've been using Blephasol but do you know anything that helps against possible demodex - or is good for sensitive skin? Also I'm seeing my ophthalmologist on Monday. Do you think he should be able to see demodex easily?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lena11 View Post
              I just checked my diary and I had a really bad burning this week the day after using goggles rather than cling film so hope that's not the culprit. Because of the way I sleep goggles give me terrible neck pain and my eyes dry out even wearing them. Maybe I should try an eye mask and taping rather than cling film to see if that makes a difference.

              My symptoms probably most match number 2/3. Right now my lower eye lids are burning and they look great, definitely no yellow gunk, maybe a tiny bit red. I've been using Blephasol but do you know anything that helps against possible demodex - or is good for sensitive skin? Also I'm seeing my ophthalmologist on Monday. Do you think he should be able to see demodex easily?
              May I know what product are you using as an eyelid cleanser?

              What brand of goggles were you using and the model?

              Are your upper lids absolutely normal? If it's bacterial blepharitis your upper lids are expected to get affected somewhat too.

              I am guessing it could be your goggles rubbing over the sensitive skin of your lower eyelids that has sparked the inflammation which is being aggravated by the harsh chemicals in your eyelid cleanser. Just one hypothesis.

              Other reason could be demodex infestation. Tea tree oil is an excellent demodex control agent. It kills them and prevents their multiplication when used regularly in decent concentrations for several weeks.
              Other demodicidal formulations are 1% mercury oxide ointment, pilocarpine gel, sulphur ointment and camphorated oil. But those require medical supervision.

              Yes obviously your opthalmologist should be able to identify a demodex infestation. Ask her about it if she doesn't mention anything about demodex.

              Here's a great source of information on demodex :


              Thanks to quattroboy !


              • #8
                Milo007 I'm using Blephasol to clean my lids and yes the upper ones feel completely normal which really confuses me. I was using swimming goggles - not ideal. Maybe they did rub and aggravate the skin.

                I used tea tree oil once or twice and it did sting quite a bit. Maybe I'll try again and do it at a weaker concentration. One doctor said I have demodex a while back but after multiple examinations since no one has mentioned it so I'll make sure they have a good look this time.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lena11 View Post
                  Milo007 I'm using Blephasol to clean my lids and yes the upper ones feel completely normal which really confuses me. I was using swimming goggles - not ideal. Maybe they did rub and aggravate the skin.

                  I used tea tree oil once or twice and it did sting quite a bit. Maybe I'll try again and do it at a weaker concentration. One doctor said I have demodex a while back but after multiple examinations since no one has mentioned it so I'll make sure they have a good look this time.
                  I think your swimming googles are to be blamed. It could also be tea tree oil! Did you apply raw tea tree oil to your lower eyelid skin?

                  My lower eyelid skin burns way more than my upper eyelid skin when I rub raw tea tree oil over them. Maybe you have more sensitive skin!

                  If you had demodex and you didn't use tea tree oil on a long term basis or other demodex treatments then most probably demodex mites are there as they were. Maybe your lower eyelids are more severely infested.

                  Wait for your doctor's diagnosis. Good luck!

