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Sleeping with the light on and on my back -DEMODEX

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  • Sleeping with the light on and on my back -DEMODEX

    Hi all, I'm still battling with MGD, made quite a lot of progress but I'm still in discomfort. I wanted to start sharing some of the things that have helped me, I hope to write a whole post about my experience with dry eye and what has helped and what has not helped but I still feeling like a dealing with things. I thought that I could just post the odd thing that has helped me, the most recent thing I have tried is sleeping with the light on.

    I've been battling with bad dry eye for 2-3 years, reached its worse point on 1.5 year mark. I found out in January that there were signs of demodex in my lashes (dandruff). Since I started to treat my eyes in ways that can kill demodex I have noticed a difference and my eyes have got a bit better.

    Demodex blepharitis

    As mentioned above the latest thing I am trying is sleeping with the light on. For a long time I was trying to figure out my why my right eye was always worse than my left eye and then I realised its because I mainly sleep on my right hand side with my eye in the pillow which was giving the demodex the darkness they need to come out and breed etc.

    For the last 4 weeks I have been sleeping with the light on and my eyes have been a lot better upon waking in the morning, I used to wake with very heaby eyelids and a gritty feeling, this sensation is decreasing each morning. I try to sleep on my back and not bury my head in pillow so as not to give the demodex the darkness they need to breed.

    It's such an easy thing to try too and it has really really helped me. I also change my pillow cases every night and use tea tree shampoo and body wash etc.

    I hope this can help someone else, it's helped me.

    Cath x
    27, pinguecula, dry eye, Wirral, UK

  • #2
    That's very interesting point. I've read some article about demodex again and it seems to be true - they usually don't move during the daylight. If you keep your light on, it probably means they cannot breed.

    But don't you have problems to fall asleep with the lights on? I think it will lower the production of sleep hormon Melatonin and it could be a problem for people with delicate sleep.


    • #3
      Cathy, do you think you are allergic to something in your pillow or bedding too?
      Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


      • #4
        Cath, I often awake with the left eye quite dry, and I sleep on the left side. I don't think it is necessarily Demodex, but have wondered if the left eye is not completely shut during the night.

