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Diagnosed dry eyes? Try changing your laundry detergent!!!!

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  • Diagnosed dry eyes? Try changing your laundry detergent!!!!

    I'm here to tell you that I was diagnosed with dry eyes. I was also diagnosed with allergies and plugged meibomian glands: by an ophthalmologist, several ophthalmologists. After 3 years of suffering with this, waking up 3x a night to wash my eyes out, put drops in, etc., do you want to know what my problem was? Costco laundry detergent!!!! I always used a high-end plant-based detergent free of dyes and such and switched to Costco because it was cheaper and "environmentally responsible". Well, I'm here to tell you that's bunk. I started using Costco about 3 years ago shortly after which my eye problems started. I noticed that when I went out of town (sleeping in motels), the problem disappeared. Finally this last week, I noticed that my t-shirts were itching me terribly and so were my bed linens and the washing machine smelled terrible. Changed detergent back to my pre-Coscto one, re-washed everything, linens, towels, clothes..., and boom, no more "dry" eyes. So before you believe your diagnosis that your body is failing you, make sure corporate America isn't trying to kill you first.

  • #2
    Sorry I just now saw this post!

    I totally agree that this is something people should check. Actually I had a customer at the dry eye shop come from a local town, sent by her doctor for moisture goggles. She returned them a couple weeks later because she discovered her cleaning service were using an industrial detergent on the bedding... once it was changed, her eyes got better.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation


    • #3
      Hmmm, interesting. I always double rinse my clothes, bedding etc, in fact that is a must feature on any machine I buy. I have for years since I got contact dermatitis from laundry detergent.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Guest View Post
        I'm here to tell you that I was diagnosed with dry eyes. I was also diagnosed with allergies and plugged meibomian glands: by an ophthalmologist, several ophthalmologists. After 3 years of suffering with this, waking up 3x a night to wash my eyes out, put drops in, etc., do you want to know what my problem was? Costco laundry detergent!!!! I always used a high-end plant-based detergent free of dyes and such and switched to Costco because it was cheaper and "environmentally responsible". Well, I'm here to tell you that's bunk. I started using Costco about 3 years ago shortly after which my eye problems started. I noticed that when I went out of town (sleeping in motels), the problem disappeared. Finally this last week, I noticed that my t-shirts were itching me terribly and so were my bed linens and the washing machine smelled terrible. Changed detergent back to my pre-Coscto one, re-washed everything, linens, towels, clothes..., and boom, no more "dry" eyes. So before you believe your diagnosis that your body is failing you, make sure corporate America isn't trying to kill you first.
        I can really see myself in that post. I will change my laundry detergent from today. My diagnosis was exactly the same of yours. The anti allergic eyedrops (ketoftil) makes me feel a bit better.
        Can you please tell me when you started get itching from your clothes in these 3 years? It started in the last weeks/year or all three years?
        Can you explain better all your symptoms and give me more details? I would be grateful.

