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Eye strain, CVS... getting depressed

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  • Eye strain, CVS... getting depressed

    ok I have this terrible eye symptoms from CVS I think, my eyes hurt, I feel stiffness around my eyes, I have slight dizziness, and difficulty focusing...
    I have had this for 3-4 days now, it does not seem to go away with sleeping at night, and my eyes start hurting even after about 1 hour of computer, which is very strange because I am used to spending entire days at the computer. It started after I played a lot on a hot sunny day, after I stopped I felt a bit dizziness and stiffness around eyes....

    Why it does not go away after sleeping at night, I don't know what to do anymore and I am getting depressed..... Is it possible that I have some permanent damage just by straining my eyes at the computer??? What do I have to do to get over this???

  • #2
    I am feeling a little bit better now, still far from normal tho. I know a lot of this is intensified because of my anxiety disorder.

    But my question is can I cause some permanent damage or something which does not go away if I strain my eyes like that? Do you think it would become normal if I stay away from computer a couple of days?


    • #3

      I wouldn't worry too much at this point, it sounds like you may have over strained your eyes and they are getting particularly dry. Your blink rate decreases with computer usage. Unless it's absolutely necessary stay away from the computer, try keeping yourself hydrated (drink more water, less sugar stuff and caffeine) and only resort to artificial tears (preservative free) if you feel you really need them (3-4 drops a day, no more). It sounds like such simple remedies but even getting outside and getting some fresh air on them may help? I haven't looked into your history on this forum or if you are a new member so sorry if you are well adversed to these eye are techniques.

      If this doesn't help then don't delay in booking an appointment with an eye specialist. It could be Mgd which can be managed through warm compresses and various other techniques provided on this forum. Until then turn off the computer and try and rest your eyes a bit, see if that helps.


      • #4
        I am feeling dizzy even after a few hours of computer, this is very weird..... my eyes arent hurting at the moment but I feel dizzy.
        Also it is so extremely hard for me to stay away from the computer I have literally nothing else to do, and I have a lot of work to do on the computer..........


        • #5
          its been a week now without significant improvement. I will try to use eye drops and limit my computer time for a day to less than 5 hours (I am used to 12-15 hours), see if that helps. My eyes start hurting pretty quickly after using computer, and I have constant dizziness/difficulty to concentrate.

          Is it possible that I caused or can cause some permanent damage if I keep straining my eyes? It is so difficult for me to stay away from the computer....

          I do go outside every day for a couple of hours, but it does not improve at all...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Skizzy91 View Post
            its been a week now without significant improvement. I will try to use eye drops and limit my computer time for a day to less than 5 hours (I am used to 12-15 hours), see if that helps. My eyes start hurting pretty quickly after using computer, and I have constant dizziness/difficulty to concentrate.

            Is it possible that I caused or can cause some permanent damage if I keep straining my eyes? It is so difficult for me to stay away from the computer....

            I do go outside every day for a couple of hours, but it does not improve at all...
            Woah! 12 - 15 hours a day? Is that really necessary? I wouldn't recommend that for anyone - never mind someone who has difficulty with their eyes.If I was you I'd cut back to the bare minimum - if it doesn't include working/studying then try not to use it all.

            There's tips online saying how to use computers when you have dry eyes, including looking down on the computer screen instead of at eye level (which drys out more of the eye surface). Remembering to blink and being conscious of how often you blink when using it is important to. You can even but special screens that prevents the glare from the screen that drys your eyes out.

            I cannot tell you if it's permanent - but I imagine it wouldn't be. But you need to look after your eyes and cut back on all this computer use. No wonder you're feeling dizzy!


            • #7
              There is no "damage", I am just heaving eye pain and headaches even after an hour of computer when I could before go 20 straight hours without a problem, it started a week ago after I extenseively strained my eyes from computer gaming the entire day. My eyes dont feel dry, I just have eye pain and headaches and dizziness and difficulty to concentrate. And like I said I have literally nothing else to do outside of the computer, there is no way on earth I can find activities for 15 hours a day, I have no money, no family, nothing to do at all.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Skizzy91 View Post
                There is no "damage", I am just heaving eye pain and headaches even after an hour of computer when I could before go 20 straight hours without a problem, it started a week ago after I extenseively strained my eyes from computer gaming the entire day. My eyes dont feel dry, I just have eye pain and headaches and dizziness and difficulty to concentrate. And like I said I have literally nothing else to do outside of the computer, there is no way on earth I can find activities for 15 hours a day, I have no money, no family, nothing to do at all.
                I know you don't want to hear this but your body is trying to tell you something. Being on a computer for so long isn't healthy, and experiencing these symptoms isn't healthy. And therefore you must find something else to do. I cannot tell you what to do but I lost my job through my eye issues (I was a journalist, it required me to be on a computer too) so I know what it's like to not have any money.

                I'm guessing from your user name you're quite young - are you not in education? Do you have a part time job? You need some focus rather than to live merely in the digital realm (it isn't good for your mental wellbeing either).

                Reading your posts I can see you suffer from anxiety, so do I. It's bloody hard I know but you need to take steps away from the computer and get some fulfilment in other areas of your life. I don't want to delve to much on here and ask you personal questions but all I can tell you is what I did. I know some of these things won't be suitable/applicable to you but take what you will from what I say.

                Get outside. Even if it's for a small walk round your neighbourhood. Exercise is so important for your overall health and can boost your mood.

                The weather is getting nicer now, sit outside and listen to your fave music or read a good book. If you don't fancy reading anything try having a go at writing yourself.

                If you live with relatives/friends see if you can take over the cooking (I really got into baking). See if there's any way you can boost your diet and eat superfoods which will also boost your mood (it is possible on a budget)

                Visit your community centre and see if there's any activities you feel you could participate in. There's bound to be somewhere local in your area hosting something which may be free. Social interaction is so important - I know it's nerve wracking putting yourself out there but once you do you'll feel so much better for it.

                If you have friends you haven't spoken to in a while, ring them and see how they are. I understand anxiety can leave you feeling very shunned out of things so try and make a connection by keeping in touch with them over the phone or fave to face,rather than via social media (which requires more computer use)

                Also, and I'm starting to do this now, maybe think about what you'd like to do in the future. You say you have nothing to do, how can you change that? Is looking for some part time work out of the question? Or volunteering at a charity shop or somewhere? What steps do you need to take to get yourself back out there and off online?

                I understand this is all easier said than done, but you're young and should have something more than an existence on a PC!

                We make what we will in life, sometimes you need to try and overcome your personal obstacles. Maybe have a conversation with your GP, I was offered CBT therapy on the NHS, there was a waiting list but it could help you.

                The reason I'm saying all this is it seems a lot of your eye issues have stemmed from excessive computer use - but underlying this too is the fact you're putting life aside when you spend so much time looking at a screen. There's a beautiful world out there - try and enjoy it! X
                Last edited by ClaireW; 20-Jun-2015, 13:48.


                • #9
                  Well I am feeling somewhat better now, my eyes havent hurt today even tho Ive spent the entire day behind a computer... It depends a lot about what I am doing in the computer, if I am gaming or doing something stressful I feel the strain on my eyes 10 times more than when I am just watching a movie or reading the news. I still feel a bit dizzy/difficulty concentrating, but it also might be due to my anxiety or both of them together.
                  I do need to go out more, but I exercise close to the level of a professional athlete, I play basketball, go to the gym, go running, do aerobic exercises, etc, every single day.


                  • #10
                    My husband gets that bad. It was so bad he almost had to quit his job. The opthamologist told him to try 'computer glasses'. It was a pain to order (my husband needed them asap) but worked wonders when they get them right. They are basically prescription reading glasses with a farther distance (so not as strong), with antiglare and I think one other coating (something similar to the "Blue Cut Coating" on Highly recommended. Many recommend also getting the yellow tint to reduce the effect of bright monitors, but he did not try that.

                    It also sounds like possible symptoms of a migraine. My migraines have changed a lot the past year, and are sometimes replaced now with ocular migraines (which I actually think i prefer!).

                    Having said that, my $0.02: GET OFF THE COMPUTER. Seriously. I was a computer programming analyst. Being on computers like you are now ruined my health. I have permanent repetitive stress injuries, migraines, and chronic pain. I had to pretty much quit cold turkey for a LONG time just to function again. And now I can only do at most a couple hours every once in a while, in an $800 custom ergonomic chair with a $150 ergonomic keyboard and blah blah blah. Please cut back now before something like that happens to you. It seriously is not worth it. You could have said this to me 15 years ago and I wouldn't have changed anything either because I am so obsessed with computers. I really do enjoy that type of work AND play. But it's just not worth it. Get some language tapes and learn a new language while you walk around town. Join a bowling league and make some tangible friends. Invite your neighbors or basketbal buddies over for a block party barbeque. Just get off the computer.

