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IPL with complications

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  • IPL with complications

    Hi All,
    My story is long overdue. In January of 2018, I started a series of four IPL treatments. After just two, my eyes felt immensely better. My Schirmer’s scores were 10/5 pre-first IPL and 27/24 post. They continued to get better through the series. But after my fourth IPL, was when things went wrong. It wasn’t the DES. It was my vision.

    The next day, after the fourth IPL, I had a large number of floaters and cloudy vision. I had trouble driving it was that bad. My doc used the standard eye shields that I saw Dr. Toyos use in a video. But I do remember reading an old post here about only using only the metal eye shields for the most amount of protection. I thought my life was over.

    I then went to a macula/retina doc and had a boatload of tests. I was diagnosed with a posterior vitreous detachment in my left eye. I found out that this is a normal part of aging (I'm 54). I know IPL can’t cause this, but I think the post gland expression may have had an impact. It’s been about seven months since the PVD started. Things have improved slowly, but floaters have not gone away completely. I had crystal clear vision before the PVD, but I’m not sure if I’ll ever get that back.

    If I do IPL again, I may ask for the metal eye shields and skip the gland expression. The gland expression was robust which the doc warned me about. It’s hard for me to believe that the PVD after IPL was just a coincidence. Hope this helps some who are considering IPL.

  • #2
    this is probably just correlation and not causation, pvd is normal and just part of aging, it happens to most ppl sooner or later.

    hopefully ur floaters will disappear and dissolve soon. just bd careful, if u ever have wavy vision or dark spots, it means a tear or hole in your retina, and that would require a visit to a ophthalmologist or er for immediate surgery
    Last edited by deep_dry_eye; 31-Dec-2018, 10:19.


    • #3
      Hi, thanks for posting! Sorry to hear about your PVD and floaters. Glad to hear at least it's improving! I can definitely sympathize with what it means for a serious, sudden flock of floaters to show up... happened to me immediately after LASIK in 2001 and unfortunately in my case did not improve. I've never really dwelt on it much, but even after all these years, when I'm looking at a nice view I do wish sometimes I didn't have to view it all through a distracting 'dust bunny" effect.
      Rebecca Petris
      The Dry Eye Foundation

