Hello guys, my life has drastically changed since about 3 weeks ago. I am only 18 years old and this problem is really affecting my life and mental health
. I hope I can address it ASAP before it further worsen. I need some guidance and thoughts on my situation here please. So this whole thing started 2-3 weeks ago, I ran out of my usual contact lens (biofinity toric) and I decided to wear my other brand of contact lens (b&l purevision) which I bought some time ago just to try.
I had previously tried out the purevision contact lens and they dont feel as good on my eyes. However, I insisted on wearing them because my usual ones ran out and I had to wait until my new order arrives. Likewise, my eyes feel uncomfy (strained&dry) after putting them on like the first time I wore them. However, I thought it may be a good idea to just keep them on for me to get used to them. So I wore them for like 6-7 hours but I noticed that after taking them out, my eyes were still uncomfy. Usually my eyes will instantly relieve if I take out my contact lens but they didnt. I had stopped wearing them since then. Waking up the next day, my eyes were still uncomfy. The sensation is like my eyes are dry,strained and sore but closing them doesnt relieve the uncomfiness.
It gets better throughtout the day but worse before bed. I had tried to put some eye drops but they dont seem to relieve my eyes. Anyway, I only went to an ophthalmologist after 10 days because that previous night was unbearable. My ophthalmologist told me that my eyes were extremely dry and he blamed it to the contact lens, but i had stopped wearing them for more than a week at that time!
He then prescribed me vismed gel and liposic eye gel. He wants me to apply the vismed gel in each eye for every hour for the first 5 days, and 1 tube ea day for the following days. My eyes got comfy on the first 2 days but starting on the 3rd day my eyes felt like popping out and really uncomfortable.
I ve read somewhere on the internet saying that too much eyedrops will hurt the eyes' natural function and also best to avoid eye ointment. This made me cut down on the use of vismed unless my eyes are really really uneasy. As of right now, my eyes still get dry/uncomfy occasionally on a day and it really changed my lifestyle man. My uni is starting next month and I really hope that I can wear my contact lens again like the good old days. But my eyes are already uncomfy even with my glasses on .
My eyes used to be healthy and dont have any major problem. Moreover, I would only wear my contact lens for maximum 12 to 14 hours ea day and I dont sleep with them on I take them out when I reach home everytime. I am really miserable right now and I really blamed myself for wearing that contact lens. All these wouldnt happen if I wait for my usual contact lens
Do any of you have an insight of my cause of dry eyes or any suggestions or anything?? Can my eyes recover back to the good ol days? It has only been 2 weeks or more and I cant stand it already!! Thanks in advance and I appreciate you for reading my story and please excuse my english I am not a native speaker.

I had previously tried out the purevision contact lens and they dont feel as good on my eyes. However, I insisted on wearing them because my usual ones ran out and I had to wait until my new order arrives. Likewise, my eyes feel uncomfy (strained&dry) after putting them on like the first time I wore them. However, I thought it may be a good idea to just keep them on for me to get used to them. So I wore them for like 6-7 hours but I noticed that after taking them out, my eyes were still uncomfy. Usually my eyes will instantly relieve if I take out my contact lens but they didnt. I had stopped wearing them since then. Waking up the next day, my eyes were still uncomfy. The sensation is like my eyes are dry,strained and sore but closing them doesnt relieve the uncomfiness.
It gets better throughtout the day but worse before bed. I had tried to put some eye drops but they dont seem to relieve my eyes. Anyway, I only went to an ophthalmologist after 10 days because that previous night was unbearable. My ophthalmologist told me that my eyes were extremely dry and he blamed it to the contact lens, but i had stopped wearing them for more than a week at that time!

I ve read somewhere on the internet saying that too much eyedrops will hurt the eyes' natural function and also best to avoid eye ointment. This made me cut down on the use of vismed unless my eyes are really really uneasy. As of right now, my eyes still get dry/uncomfy occasionally on a day and it really changed my lifestyle man. My uni is starting next month and I really hope that I can wear my contact lens again like the good old days. But my eyes are already uncomfy even with my glasses on .
My eyes used to be healthy and dont have any major problem. Moreover, I would only wear my contact lens for maximum 12 to 14 hours ea day and I dont sleep with them on I take them out when I reach home everytime. I am really miserable right now and I really blamed myself for wearing that contact lens. All these wouldnt happen if I wait for my usual contact lens
