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I am doing a little better

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  • I am doing a little better

    Hello to my DES friends. I thought I should post and let you know about a little progress I have made. Is not extraordinary but any improvement is welcomed. Back in August 25, to be exact I was at the end of my rope with my dry eyes. I was currently under a antiandrogen regimen and minoxidil because of severe hairloss. I was extremely frustrated since the doctors could not link my dry eyes to anything. So under the circunstances I decided to drop all the medication and go on a detox regimen together with organic and natural personal care and diet. I was convinced that although I am also a LASIK patient the fact that I did not develop dry eyes right after the operation but 6 years afterwards, medicine was directly link to my dry eyes. Doctors were perplexed because I was showing symptoms of an autoinmune disease--I had uveitis back in 2005-- but all my labs came back negative.

    Little by little I have improved my dryness which included my intimate parts too. Encouraged by the progress I continued with a more sofisticated detox regimen which really got a lot of harmful chemicals out of my body and made me feel better, although I know there is a long way to go.

    I will not suggest that the protocol that I am following--which is totally personal will work for everyone, but I think that it could be good for so many people that are suffering dry eyes because of medication or even autoinmune diseases like sjogrens or lupus to do some research about the effect of chemicals and a detox program. I have personally found a lot of information on this matter.

    Anyway, I will keep this up and I will let you know on my journey in search for eye health.

    Good luck and may God bless you.


  • #2
    Hi Jessica!

    I'm glad to hear that you are doing a bit better. It is always good to hear of someone getting relief of any kind, so thanks for posting. I pray that it continues for you, and good luck keeping up with your new routine.



    • #3
      Hi Jessica,

      I am SO happy and encouraged to hear of any improvement for you. I know you've been through so much with this. Long may it continue.
      Rebecca Petris
      The Dry Eye Foundation


      • #4
        Ditto, Jessica: congratulations on the improvement!

        As I've said when "liver detoxification," or similar issues come up: I don't personally see any harm in "starting from scratch--" that is: finding some reasonable and safe "detox program" that will help insure that--if nothing else--you've tuned up your body as well as you can.

        In my case, I do a "fast" every year, for 7-10 days. It's not a pure fast. I live on herbal tea, homemade vegetable broth, distilled water, and pure vegetable juices. With it, I take fiber supplements, something called "bentonite clay," and some weird detox caps that are all natural. During that time, nothing else--no coffee, nothing--passes my poor, deprived lips.

        I usually feel pretty darned good after it's over, but ... it hasn't really done anything to improve my eyes. I stick with it because I think I should, and because I don't see any harm.

        Buena Suerte!
        Leaving Granada, Spain for Madrid tomorrow, and Madrid for California the following day. Forgive my accent. You should all understand me better very soon!

