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Success story.

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  • Success story.


    A year and a half ago, I started to develop problems with wearing contacts. My eyes became very red and dry and it became nearly impossible to wear the contacts. Well, I tried to keep wearing them and it only got worse. I probably have made some permanent red veins because of this. Anyway, I tried everything. I mean everything. They even became red and dry without the contacts.

    Well, it turns out that Dr. Toyos and his clinic are literally 5 minutes from my parents house. A friend recommended him and IPL treatment. It turns out that alot of my problems were from Rosacea. Well, I did 4? months of treatment followed up with a purchase of the "Q" device. I'm back in contacts and the white has returned for the most part. I still have a few red veins and they are probably permanent now. I should have stopped wearing the contacts when they were red for months. BUT, my eyes are white again for the most part. I still have a bad week occasionaly. I use the "Q" daily. It mimics the treatment at home.

    But, there were some other things that helped also.

    1-It turns out that I was VERY sensitive to saline solutions. I would put contacts in with every possible saline and it felt like there was sand in my eyes. ect. Well, I began to use Unisol 4. AMAZING. Problem gone. Can put contacts in with no problems at all. So, don't rule out saline as a culprit.

    2-I noticed that whenever I got into the ocean and spent time at the beach my eyes would clear up bigtime. Well, I had a theory that it was the continued salt water on the face. Since, I'm in the ocean all day. Well, I bought a product from the pet store called "Instant ocean." It's for aquariums. It mimics sea water. I made up a batch and keep it in a small squirt bottle. I squirt it on my face all day long. It has helped alot. At least for me. It was so ironic. I went to the beach this summer and each day was blown away with how white my eyes were daily. I returned home and eyes became agitated slightly. I truly believe the sea water (salt) has tremendous potential for dry eye and rosacea. At least that is my theory.

    3-Coconut water. I think it helps with hydration.

    4- A healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables. Complex carbs. fish. ect.

    5-I take out contacts each night and wear glasses.

    6- I think less exposure to pets may have helped some also.

    7-I don't think artificial lighting and computer screens are helping at work. So, still working on this one.

    Well, everyone is different and these things may help or not. I just wanted to share.

    Thanks and I hope you find a path to recovery.


    I have an update with some things that are helping and hope can help others.
    I'm in front of a computer all day. I have downloaded a program called FLUX and I use the warmest setting. I even purchased some of the blue blocking type of glasses off of Amazon. That coupled with toning down the lighting above me has helped TREMENDOUSLY. So much more soothing on the eyes. I can't believe how bright our monitors are after I turn off Flux. I don't know how I've done it so many years.
    The salt water spray is working. I spray my face and eyes about 5 times a day. Really works for me.
    I'm also trying red LED therapy to help with my treatment. I'm using one of the cheaper Illumimasks you can get at stores. But, I'm going to purchase and LED (red 660nm) grow light from Amazon for fairly cheap. Youtube it if you want.
    I hope these things may help another!
    Last edited by todd92371; 30-Sep-2015, 07:22.

  • #2
    Originally posted by todd92371 View Post

    A year and a half ago, I started to develop problems with wearing contacts. My eyes became very red and dry and it became nearly impossible to wear the contacts. Well, I tried to keep wearing them and it only got worse. I probably have made some permanent red veins because of this. Anyway, I tried everything. I mean everything. They even became red and dry without the contacts.

    Well, it turns out that Dr. Toyos and his clinic are literally 5 minutes from my parents house. A friend recommended him and IPL treatment. It turns out that alot of my problems were from Rosacea. Well, I did 4? months of treatment followed up with a purchase of the "Q" device. I'm back in contacts and the white has returned for the most part. I still have a few red veins and they are probably permanent now. I should have stopped wearing the contacts when they were red for months. BUT, my eyes are white again for the most part. I still have a bad week occasionaly. I use the "Q" daily. It mimics the treatment at home.

    But, there were some other things that helped also.

    1-It turns out that I was VERY sensitive to saline solutions. I would put contacts in with every possible saline and it felt like there was sand in my eyes. ect. Well, I began to use Unisol 4. AMAZING. Problem gone. Can put contacts in with no problems at all. So, don't rule out saline as a culprit.

    2-I noticed that whenever I got into the ocean and spent time at the beach my eyes would clear up bigtime. Well, I had a theory that it was the continued salt water on the face. Since, I'm in the ocean all day. Well, I bought a product from the pet store called "Instant ocean." It's for aquariums. It mimics sea water. I made up a batch and keep it in a small squirt bottle. I squirt it on my face all day long. It has helped alot. At least for me. It was so ironic. I went to the beach this summer and each day was blown away with how white my eyes were daily. I returned home and eyes became agitated slightly. I truly believe the sea water (salt) has tremendous potential for dry eye and rosacea. At least that is my theory.

    3-Coconut water. I think it helps with hydration.

    4- A healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables. Complex carbs. fish. ect.

    5-I take out contacts each night and wear glasses.

    6- I think less exposure to pets may have helped some also.

    7-I don't think artificial lighting and computer screens are helping at work. So, still working on this one.

    Well, everyone is different and these things may help or not. I just wanted to share.

    Thanks and I hope you find a path to recovery.

    thanks for sharing Todd and congrats on feeling lots better !!


    • #3
      Here is a link to someone who is having positive results with amber light therapy .
      Last edited by todd92371; 30-Sep-2015, 07:24.


      • #4
        Have seen an ocular ophthalmologist, recommended by Dr. because of the blurring after the second AMT surgery. Have a ptosis of that left eye, which new Doc says can be a frequent result of surgery. Retractors do not know exactly where the levator muscle is, hence damage to that muscle may result in the sagging of the eyelid, which in my case causes me to have a blurring in the left lower quadrant of that eye. She has prescribed two months of Oxycycline to see if the other irritation and inflammation of both eyes with blepharitis from MGD or whatever else causes the dry eye condition can clear before talking of surgery to lift that lid. Anyone helped by Oxycycline therapy.

