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Hi guys new here - I got MGD - Feeling 80% better

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  • #16
    Hokucat Thanks for documenting your journey and your diet plan. Definitely has helped.

    I talked to the MGD specialist, she told me that there 3 factors : mgd, dry eye, allergies, i think the 4 factor she missed is diet.

    she told me to wipe the azasite on my closed eyelids before bed.

    also she has me applying some sort of cream in lower eye lid pocket before bed, composed with some antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and it's composed of petrolatum. At first, i didn't like it. However, i think it does help protect the eyeball from friction during bed.

    allergies you can go to an allergist and can get desensitized with drops.


    • #17
      , I'm glad you were able to find a decent dry eye specialist in your area who was able to do probing.The azasite was likely prescribed to reduce or prevent inflammation and also help keep your glands open, especially now that you got probed. They also usually prescribe a topical antibiotic after probing to prevent any possible infection, and that's great that composition is helping to protect your eyes from friction at night.

      There are so many underlying factors that can cause dry eyes, and often it can be a combination of factors. That's what makes it's so difficult to treat.


      • #18
        Regarding probing. Actually she didn’t prescribe anything

        she gave azsite before. But I was mindful of the possible
        inflamation issues. Azsite good for that and she gave me inveltes. Prior. Which is a new steroid.

        I was really mindful eating a anti inflammatory diet a few days before and after the procedure.

        I actually traveled for work. So I was in a different place with prob no allergens. My eyes felt great despite no humidifier.

        Makes me wonder if how big a role my house hold allergy plays?

        also it’s been cold.

        I think the running. Diet changes have been working

        taking omega 7 pill, cocount oil.
        green tea.
        lots of leafy vegetable.

        cocount oil really expensive so rather the cook with it. I’ll
        just eat a small spoon now directly.

        tea tree oil 2 to 3 drop in a cup water eyelids wipes frequently. I don’t rinse.

        I try to run or job every day.

        so far so good.


        • #19
          FYI. I read a study where they induced mgd with rats with a poor diet.

          after reverting to a normal diet. The number clogged glands reduced after a month.


          • #20
            Friday End of week report.

            Going to see MGD specialist next week.

            Checking sometimes the left inner eyelid definitely is less inflamed now.

            I think mostly to do with diet change.

            also using tea tree oil diluted water eyelids wipes periodically throughout the day seems to really help.

            hopefully, more progress to report next week.

