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is it just my imagination?

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  • #16
    Heather - best of luck on your decision. Some people see a big difference in having there eyes be wet when going from 2 plugs to 4 plugs. I can say from my experience that Dr. Tseng's group in Miami is a believer in plugs. Their thought is that the eye needs to be wet to properly heal post-LASIK so if plugs will help keep them wet, then plugs it should be.

    I think that if you are doing compresses and/or using restasis to control the inflammation, it may make sense to go with all 4 plugs (especially since I know it can get cold in Ohio and cold=dry). I would also recommend that you get a hygrometer and humidifier if you haven't done so already. Best. YGB.

    P.S. There is some thought that when only 2 puncta are plugged, the other 2 puncta drain more tears to compensate. That's why some folks see a dramatic increase in eye wetness when going to 4 plugs. Many folks do not get tear overflow. As for sinus infections with all 4 plugs, I don't know the answer to that but would be interested in others thoughts on this.


    • #17
      Diana - seeing that you are originally from Dover reminded me of one of the classic name jokes.

      If a person is in prison then the one guy they do not want to meet goes by the nam of Dover ... Ben Dover.

      P.S. Confuscious say, when in prison, do not drop your soap.

      Hopefully this passes the censor test. I know it is likely skirting right on the line, but I'll leave it for the Colonel to decide.


      • #18

        I don't think you're in danger of being censored by the Colonel...I've implied worse about my LASIK surgeon and I'm still here.

        Lucy...Fr. Mulcahy?!?! God help us all!

        Heather, I went to high school in New Phila. I was a Candy Striper at Union Hospital.

        Regarding having your uppers plugged... I empathize with this decision. I faced that a few years ago when lower plugs/lower cautery did nothing to alleviate my dryness. I really wish I could recall my Schirmers scores pre-cautery. I was never a fan of the test, and felt little interested in the numbers since knowing how I measured didn't change reality. Anyway, out of desperation and due to the fact that my lids basically dragged across my eyeball, I opted for cautery in the uppers as well.

        I don't regret this move, though I literally blot all the time. It's a constant thing. I do it as naturally as I scratch an itch. I have a tissue on me at all times, usually tucked into my waistband, in my purse and stationed at various locations in my house and car. My toddler knows that in my left pants pocket there's always a tissue to be had. He'll secretly grab at it and chew it up and have it in a shredded pile before I even know it. He's part hamster.

        I regreat that I cannot wear eye makeup because everything I've used is gone in an hour or is smeared. I really regret this as I feel so washed out and "unfinished" My only comfort regarding my self-esteem is that Homes (a past member of this community) loved me whether I wore makeup or not.

        But, my eyes are healthier for the cautery and I do pray that some day something will come along and I won't need to be cauterized in all four punctae. This may just be wishful thinking, but I'm keeping the faith. Incidenetally, when I'm having a bad burning day, my eyes tear a lot more often than when I'm having a good day. It's as though on a bad day my tears are more thin and salty. There seems to be more fluid, but I'm certainly no better off. Interesting, huh?

        Here's my cautery story. You'll find it interesting. I'm not a fan of upper plugs due to rubbing...

        Good luck in your decision-making.

        Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


        • #19
          Lucy...Fr. Mulcahy?!?! God help us all!
          Wondering myself about that one, Diana. Those of you who know me....well, are probably a little shocked by the clergy-reference. Heehee.
          Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

          The Dry Eye Queen


          • #20

            Originally posted by Ya' Gotta Believe
            I suppose DEZadmin is Radar since he really seems to have his ear to the ground and helps keep everyone in line with searches and such.
            Hmm. Most who know me would have reserved for me the Winchester role, since I'm such an irritatingly pompous know-it-all, but I'll accept the Radar moniker, if only as a nod to my supreme geekiness.


            • #21
              Bravo, Radar. He certainly has your eye-almightys.

              Can't believe you didn't take a stab at the Lucy/Mulcahy reference. (I realize you already knew I would post this, but I wanted others to know as well...)
              Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


              • #22
                Ask and ye shall receive

                Things that make you go "hmmmm."


                • #23
                  YGB... Confucius say, turn your spellchecker on. On the double.
                  Attached Files
                  Rebecca Petris
                  The Dry Eye Foundation


                  • #24
                    Random thoughts ...

                    Wow! I never realized until now that with sunglasses on, Father Mulcahy looks a lot like George Clooney.

                    Spell check Colonel? Blahhh … who needs it. Tomatoe, Tomado, Tornado, it’s alll the same in my book.

                    Confucius says, “to see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or principle.” This quote is just a bit deeper than my prior Confusingus quotes. As some of you know from my prior posts, I see something that is not right (i.e. LASIK and its lack of informed consent). Now this Confucius guy is challenging me from beyond as to whether I have courage or principle to do something about it. My answer to you old wise one is … not yet, but maybe someday.

                    Here’s a quote that I think has some truth since the mind is such a powerful thing. “Pain. Pain is just a state of mind. It's something you learn to live with.”

                    I think it helps to focus on being as positive as possible, laugh whenever possible (see movie “Patch Adams” for a good story about the healing power of laughter), and realize that our mind and body can overcome a lot of stuff. We have to give our mind and body the support needed to overcome the hurdles in front of us. That support comes in many forms including, but certainly not limited to warm compresses, good diet, lots of water, smart use of drops and plugs, positive thinking, meditation, laughter, etc. etc..

                    Okay, time to get off the old soap box. I think it’s pretty much been flattened by now. Good night and good luck!


                    • #25
                      We'll try this.

                      Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

                      The Dry Eye Queen


                      • #26

                        Fr. Mulcahy looks just great in his/(her?) Vientos. God bless!

                        Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.

