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New Restasis Study shows chance of remission

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  • New Restasis Study shows chance of remission

    This new study shows that about 2% of topical cyclosporine users (who were dry-eye sufferers) experienced remission of symptoms, for an average of 21 months after stopping therapy. (Medscape membership required)

    Study shows a (small but real) chance of remission of symptoms using Restasis.

    Article is available only to members, so here's an abstract:

    January 2007 ( Volume 114, Number 1 )

    Long-term Resolution of Chronic Dry Eye Symptoms and Signs After Topical Cyclosporine Treatment
    Wilson SE, Perry HD
    Ophthalmology. 2007;114(1)

    Topical cyclosporine A is a proven treatment for dry eye syndrome. Most patients have improvement of symptoms after several months of treatment. In those who do benefit from treatment, most notice return of symptoms when cyclosporine treatment is stopped. However, a subset of patients who discontinue therapy after 6 months of continuous use finds complete resolution of symptoms.

    The authors presented 8 patients from 2 practices who were "cured" of dry eye symptoms with topical cyclosporine. Between the 2 practices, there were 252 patients treated for dry eye; the 5 patients from one practice represented 3.9% of patients treated for dry eye, while the 3 patients in the other practice represented 1.5%. Seven out of 8 were female. Average age was 45 years (range, 32-58). One patient had a history of Sjögren's syndrome, and 2 had thyroid autoimmune disease. Since cessation of treatment, the average symptom-free time period was 21 months (range, 17-29 months). Average duration of treatment prior to cessation of therapy was 17 months (range, 6-72 months).

    This report demonstrated that some patients, albeit a small percentage, can have complete resolution of symptoms after 6 months of therapy with topical cyclosporine. If a patient attains complete resolution of symptoms and has been treated for 6 months or longer, the authors recommended considering a trial off the medication.
    Last edited by Steve; 14-Feb-2007, 01:18. Reason: fixing link again
    Blepharitis leads to MGD causes dry eye?
    Dry eye drops cause eyelid irritation exacerbating Blepharitis?

  • #2
    Hi Steve,
    Thank you for the link.
    It's very promising.



    • #3
      I'm still having a tough time reading--words are jumbling a bit--but ... am I missing something here ... like cause and effect??

      In other words ... perhaps these people would have gotten better anyway? Did the study establish (and, if so, how) that the Restasis CAUSED the resolution of symptoms?

      [obviously, I'm just asking this rhetorically, but if somebody who's read the entire study knows the answer....]

      Otherwise, the old saying applies: "Correlation does not imply causation."


      • #4
        Even assuming cause & effect were demonstrated, I have to confess that the implication of having a 98% chance of needing to take an immunosuppressant indefinitely is not the kind of study that floods my soul with joyous optimism.
        Rebecca Petris
        The Dry Eye Foundation


        • #5

          As Rebecca points out, we're only talking 2% here.

          So it could be that 2% of these people got better on their own, sure.

          But remember that some of those that got better had thyroid autoimmune or Sjogren's. I don't know the spontaneous remission rates for those conditions but I'd bet they're less than 2%.

          P.S. Those 2% didn't only get better -- they did so within a predetermined 6-month period. That doesn't rule out spontaneous remission but makes it less likely.

          Check the study for control group etc...
          Last edited by Steve; 16-Mar-2007, 01:15. Reason: P>S
          Blepharitis leads to MGD causes dry eye?
          Dry eye drops cause eyelid irritation exacerbating Blepharitis?

