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Symptoms of dry eye

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  • Symptoms of dry eye

    As is often mentioned in posts the symptoms of dry eye are many and varied.
    I often try to compare one day to another and thought it might be useful to log the symptoms i suffer from using my own colloquialisms for them.

    1. The ticklers - My eye feels nearly normal but I can just feel a tickling sensation that is always there and seems to threaten to explode into full blown symptoms.

    2.Full sahara - Full on grit under the eyelids which are painful and irritating.

    3. Red eye- My eyelids are sore, feel like they are on fire and sting continuously.

    4. Sticky eye - When you wake and your eyeball sticks to your eyelid with excruciating consequences. This is usually followed by some blurred vision and the feeling of a scab under the eyelid.

    5. Blowy eye - it feels like someone is constantly blowing into your eye.

    6. Brow beater - A headache that spreads across your forehead sometimes with associated nausea. This is usually brought on by the above symptoms.

    These symptoms can come alone or in a combi pack and can vary in intensity.
    Just writing them down has depressed me but it has helped to document the symptoms.

    I joined the Fire Service 23 years ago and they told me that one of the attractions of the job was that it presents something different every day. I guess dry eye offers the same promise!

    Anyway, keep smiling!

  • #2

    Well summed up, I can relate to most of your symptoms except for the "Blowy eye", maybe that is something waiting just around the corner for me to experience.

    Hang in there, this is a tough road. Aparantely though, you and I are the only ever documented cases of dry eye post epi-lasek our laser chain has heard of, somehow I am not sure that I believe that.




    • #3
      Hang in there, this is a tough road. Aparantely though, you and I are the only ever documented cases of dry eye post epi-lasek our laser chain has heard of, somehow I am not sure that I believe that.
      Ian, "they" used to tell us years ago that "we" were the only ones "they" knew of that had dry eye as a result of lasik. Hohoho. Except "we" congregated on the internet and, what do you know, there were dozens of "us". Then hundreds and as a result: tada...........DryEyeZone. It is going stronger as time goes on. Not saying that everyone here is a result of refractive surgery, but certainly a large number are.

      No matter the cause of your dry eye, it's painful just the same.

      PS. I understand all the "eye numbers." Even "blowy' eyes. LOL.
      Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

      The Dry Eye Queen


      • #4
        Another name for #4, Sticky Eye = "corneal erosion".

        Familiar with all numbers myself, unfortunately.


        • #5
          Even though it is not funny....I had to chuckle when I read your descriptions. They are so true! Only I have to add the same comment that 20/20 Hindsight did....corneal erosion! I describe this one to my friends as someone sticking a lit cigarette in my eye. And your number one "the ticklers" are described by me as pins sticking in my eye.

          And you're right about something different every day. Unless you have DES, you cannot understand how you wake up every day (or in the middle of the night) with some sort of symptom that makes you wonder if it's going to be a good day or not. It's always something! Sometimes I get the feeling no one believes me. That's why this message board is so great because there are finally others out there that can identify with what you are going through.

          Anyway, thanks for making my day!


          • #6

            Ahhh yes, blowy eyes!.........even walking along the corridor at work I can feel my eyes being affected by the air hitting the eye.



            • #7
              Lasik horror

              My mother has been experiencing the same symptoms you describe. Its a nightmare for her. Anything has relieved the symptoms? Any help will be appreciated we are desperate. She had this after lasik surgery.

