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Hey does washing your face with soap apose to help keep bacteria out of your eyes?

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  • Hey does washing your face with soap apose to help keep bacteria out of your eyes?

    I use to never use soap on my face just hott hott water because my skin is so sensitive. But i started using soap on my face 2 times a day. It almost stop all burning in my eyes weird . So im guessing its good to use soap on your face and more often.

  • #2
    It could help keep some bacteria out of your eyes I guess, especially if sweat is running into them a lot. The soap might also get off things that you might be sensitive to, allergens, chemicals, etc. that may be affecting your eyes. Burning/itching can be signs of allergies, so better facial hygiene could conceivably help. You also might try an eyelid cleansing product, which most doctors will reccomend when eyelid bacteria seems to be an issue. I use Ocusoft myself, which seems to be pretty gentle, but leaves my eyelids squeaky clean. When you said your face was previously too sensitive for soap, it made me think of skin disorders, i.e. rosacea, seb. dermatitis, etc. Hypersensitivity to skin care products is quite common among rosacea sufferers. Could that be a factor for you?


    • #3
      Naw i dont have no skin disorders I actually have really good skin, Just ever seen i started to use soap on my face my burning kinda went away, strange

