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h. Pylori and Ocular Rosacea

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  • h. Pylori and Ocular Rosacea


    Annoyingly, you can't seem to print this article-some sort of encryption I guess. Still, worth if you have OCR. (Dr. Eli's new acronymn for Ocular Rosacea!)
    Last edited by Eli; 13-Sep-2007, 07:35.

  • #2
    Yeah, I actually just read a similar article recently.

    I have a story that exemplifies the findings too.

    I have ocular rosacea and ulcerative colitis. My symptoms are always consistent with my diet/fitness and gi tract.

    When I had a colonoscopy and could not eat for 2 days and had no toxicities in my back (arthritis) I was pretty much symptom free of ocular rosacea.

    Anyway at the time I had no back symptoms and had to fast for 2 days prior to the colonoscopy. During the procedure they removed polyups and what not and I guess cleared the disease out manually as best they could.

    After the procedure I went to the gym and noticed no symptoms in my back or eyes. And I ate prior to going, which usually sets off my symptoms. All this was before I became more savvy on treatments for all this stuff.

    So that leads me to believe Hp, which is associated with UC and OCR defenitely plays a huge roll in alot of people.

    There are so many things people can do to keep their colon/gi tract clean by the way. Aloe verra juice, probiotics, protolyiec enzymes and digestitive enzymes with pancrita (sorry for the spelling I'm being lazy atm) are the most effective that I've used so far. But with all the detectives on this site I'm sure everyone already knew that stuff! Another good one I bet is colonics but I'm afraid to try that just yet.

    One question for ya, do you notice your symptoms come and go with food? Anyway keep up the good work.
    Which is it? Is it what you know or who you know? Or is it how well you convey what you know to who you know it to?



    • #3
      Thanks MGD,
      As a matter of fact, "alternative" treatments (meaning other than Metrogel and Doxy ) of rosacea are still pretty new to me. As such, I appreciate the input, and will try attacking my condition through my stomach in the days to come. Thanks again.



      • #4
        food and dry eye

        I've noticed that my symptoms (which I think are mostly due to MGD) tend to improve when and soon after I'm eating...

        I've suspected that it may be due to some rehydration (though I don't drink much with lunch), or perhaps something hormonal while eating?

        It's interesting that you raise the linkage, though it seems opposite for you...


        • #5
          We have speculated on this site that eating seems to temporarily stimulate tear production in some people. We have no hard evidence for this, but eating does stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (to make more saliva, etc.) which also controls the lacrimal gland. My eyes always feel better (for a while) after eating. Strange, huh?


          • #6
            Wow, I really wish that was my case lol. I have to plan my whole day around not eating so I don't have symptoms.

            Do you guys have seb. or staph. blepharitis? From what I have read they feed off of fatty and colestorol esters which I think are activated from eating. Hence the healthier you eat the better the condition gets.

            Besides showers, not eating is one of the biggest symptom relievers for me.
            Which is it? Is it what you know or who you know? Or is it how well you convey what you know to who you know it to?


