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Doctor Regonizing Bleph Facts

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  • Doctor Regonizing Bleph Facts

    Here is an excert from about blepharitis and artificial tears which I had recognized a while back but finally found a medical expert aknowledging it.

    I thought this was interesting and hopefully useful to others.

    As a rule of thumb, I recommend that if the patient uses artificial tears three or more times a day without sufficient relief, the physician should consider additional therapies. Additionally, artificial tears alone are of minimal benefit with blepharitis, as they merely rinse debris from the eye into eyelids, resulting in a rapid return of symptoms
    Which is it? Is it what you know or who you know? Or is it how well you convey what you know to who you know it to?


  • #2
    This is exactly what my Eye Doc (whom I just saw today) said. I told him all of my symptoms and how little relief I get from artificial tears (I actually feel worse)....even though I have been to other Doc's, this one did so many different tests. Also, he prescribed this kit that I will post about later that includes a scrub and doxy tablets (it had to be specially ordered- the pharmacy hadnt heard of it yet) that he believes will effectively tackle it. Also, he took me off Restasis and Flax Oil and added BionTears supplement and an additional fish oil. He believes that in a month or so of following his directions I should start to see relief. I have always been so confused as to why NO tears seems to help!


    • #3
      Thank you for your post. Yes, please do describe the doxy "kit" you were given. I have never seen anything like that. Also, would you mind telling us which doc you see?


      • #4
        The doctor is Dr. Carver in Fountain Valley. The kit, I will write about when I get it because I am not sure entirely what is in it, he said it is something new and made it clear to the pharmacy to not substitute anything for it. I know it has Doxy in pill form but also some type of lid hygine (non doxy) scrub that he decided on over eurothremicyn (sp?).

        I really had no idea I had lid hygine issues as I dont have any other symptom other than dry eye and absolutely no relief from drops. He said though that he can see it- tiny spider veins and such in the lids? He also explained the way the meiobin glands are (vertical) and how to massage them (express them) before using the lid hygine horizontially (which is not supposed to be washed off).....

        I will keep you posted for sure...

