Promised I would update on any objective changes produced by my so-far 3-month course on Freshkote. . .Here goes:
Though I continue to do at least as well, symptomatically, on the Freshkote as I did on Restasis, with some additional subjective benefits (like no prolonged raw feeling, which, for me, follows Restasis dosing), my eye exam last week indicated no objective improvements so far. My tear break-up time is still about 0 seconds, and I am now showing some new conjunctival staining in one eye, which hasn't stained for a while. Corneal health still looks fine, but I had no fresh erosion problems going in to the Freshkote treatment.
Anyway, my doc agrees that I shall stick with the Freshkote, and continue to steer clear of Restasis for now, as subjective benefits are valuable.
Wish I had something more exciting to report. . .But conceivably, improved ocular surface health through Freshkote might still improve tear quality, over time. . .
I'm eager to see Dr. Holly participate here, if that is still in the works. . .Perhaps he can help us to establish appropriate expectations for his products, which really are unique. . .
Though I continue to do at least as well, symptomatically, on the Freshkote as I did on Restasis, with some additional subjective benefits (like no prolonged raw feeling, which, for me, follows Restasis dosing), my eye exam last week indicated no objective improvements so far. My tear break-up time is still about 0 seconds, and I am now showing some new conjunctival staining in one eye, which hasn't stained for a while. Corneal health still looks fine, but I had no fresh erosion problems going in to the Freshkote treatment.
Anyway, my doc agrees that I shall stick with the Freshkote, and continue to steer clear of Restasis for now, as subjective benefits are valuable.
Wish I had something more exciting to report. . .But conceivably, improved ocular surface health through Freshkote might still improve tear quality, over time. . .
I'm eager to see Dr. Holly participate here, if that is still in the works. . .Perhaps he can help us to establish appropriate expectations for his products, which really are unique. . .