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antidepressants and antianxiety pills

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  • antidepressants and antianxiety pills

    Can any of these medications affect dry eyes.

  • #2
    yes, but...; good experience with Lithium Aspartate

    Yes, many antidepressants and anxiolytics list among their potential side-effects the drying of the mouth and/or eyes. . .That said, it is also important to note that untreated anxiety and depression themselves may contribute to dry eye. Any mental state that alters natural adrenaline/cortisol production has the potential to alter our exocrine secretions. Moreover, whether a PARTICULAR antidepressant or anti-anxiety drug will reduce a PARTICULAR patient's tear or meibum production is very unpredictable, and something to be determined only by trial and error. . .

    That is why I personally have remained very open to any medication that will take a bite out of any disabling mental state, and I allow the effects of any particular medication to reveal themselves to me on a case-by-case basis. . .

    I also find that if depression and anxiety are left untreated, the individual suffering from these may not be able to summon the mental clarity necessary for spotting solutions to dry eye that may really work for him or her...That's why my motto is to treat depression and anxiety, if necessary through a series of supplements or medications that ultimately leads to one or more that produce no adverse effects in the individual. . .

    I have personally had excellent results in the treatment of depression and anxiety from the use of over-the-counter dietary Lithium Aspartate, at 30 mg/day, in accordance with the teachings of several M.D. gurus of nutrition who publish in the Townsend report. For me, the Lithium has had no adverse effects on my eyes, to date. . .
    <Doggedly Determined>

