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  • Corn

    I spent part of the day yesterday with the Barlean family up in Ferndale, Washington where they make the celebrated flaxseed oils. We had some long chats about the Omega 3 / Omega 6 situation and the American diet, so when I saw today's Friday Pearl (Ellen Troyer, Biosyntrx) in my inbox I thought it was particularly a propos....

    Those of you who have your antennae raised for the "big picture" of dry eye causes from such things as the inflammation-promoting western diet and lifestyle might find it interesting too.

    Children of the Corn

    “We use nothing but the finest USDA Iowa corn fed beef and pork in all of our products to bring you a taste you will not forget.” Forbes Meat tag line

    Almost everything Americans eat contains corn: high fructose corn syrup desserts, corn-fed beef, and shelf-life-extending hydrogenated, or partially hydrogenated corn oil is in almost all processed breads, chips and crackers. Corn feeds poultry, pigs and sheep, and even farm-raised-fish. These foods represent the staples of the modern American diet....

    Grass fed free-range cattle is almost a thing of the past because our government subsidizes farmers $28.00 an acre to raise corn....

    In today’s world, it costs less to raise cattle in bacteria-ridden corn-fed-confinement than to let them roam free and feed on natural grass. Animal nutritionists confirm that corn makes cows sick and beef fatty....

    Despite popular opinion, it’s not just the saturated fat and cholesterol that causes most of the problems associated with red meat, chicken, fish and fowl consumption. It’s also the vascular inflammation produced by excess Omega-6 arachidonic acid (AA) from corn-fed animals raised in spaces too small to allow the movement required for proper, or normal, AA metabolism....

    "...When you’re at McDonald’s, almost everything on your plate is corn.” Michael Pollan, Knight Professor or Journalism, UC Berkeley
    (emphasis mine)

    ...And if I can add just one brief comment, as I've commented in the past, that high fructose corn syrup is not just in the desserts. It's on the label of nearly every prepared food you can buy from most supermarkets today.

    p.s. So if you were trying to reach us by phone yesterday and couldn't, now you know why - I was playing hooky for once
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation

  • #2
    Several Sundays ago that CBS Sunday Morning show had a man on who was trying to go some length of time (6-12 months) without eating corn. He took the reporter grocery shopping, and it was surprising to see all of the products with corn in them. I guess that it is even more hidden than I thought, if we have to consider what livestock are eating, too! While it is good to have a well-rounded diet, I see myself sticking to water and fruits and vegetables and, though I started eating meat again this year after several years of being a vegetarian, I cannot say that I will participate in the corporate meat scene.

    My little sister told me that her friend, who sculpts, using bone as his primary medium, has to get bones from cattle in New Zealand, since American cattle have bones that are too porous. He used to use the bones of domestic cows, but with the growth hormones that they are given, they grow too fast, and it is obvious down to their bones.

    It's amazing how our systems are complex, and we need to consider such a variety of factors in order to take good care of our bodies-- eyes, especially!


    • #3
      I worked with a woman who had chronic allergy issues resulting in chronic sinus symptoms. She was forever sick, fighting sinus infections, drippy, sniffly and miserable.

      At some point she was advised to omit corn from her diet in all forms. Her health problems disappeared, and she literally became a whole new woman. She lost weight a pleasant side-effect of her healthier diet. I don't know that she eliminated corn-fed meat, but she wouldn't put anything to her lips that noted "corn" anywhere in the ingredients.

      This happens to be the same woman as I recall chuckling, who once argued with me as we arranged for our office, the Christmas secret-Santa pick-a-name event. She argued that if we put everyone's name in the hat and had everyone draw one, we would absolutely come up one short. To disprove her absurd theory, I grabbed another employee and wrote all three of our names on a piece of paper. We each drew one and somehow all got one. Magically nobody got their own name either.

      She walked away from me stating that this does work in small numbers, but won't work in larger ones. This woman was very likeable, but it never sat well with me that she worked in the accounting department.

      I don't know how this story ties in to dry eyes, but I had fun reminiscing.
      Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


      • #4
        It's on the label of nearly every prepared food you can buy from most supermarkets today. states:
        HFCS is in bread and just about everything else because it is cheaper than sugar plus it bulks up the product so the consumer thinks he is getting more for his money. HFCS is banned in Europe.

        Interestingly, there is a High Fructose Corn Facts website, which contains the 'facts' about the many actual benefits of HFCS.


        • #5
          Interestingly, there is a High Fructose Corn Facts website, which contains the 'facts' about the many actual benefits of HFCS.
          That corn-producers-run website is hilarious (except when I consider that someone somewhere might actually take it seriously).... It's not even like an infomercial, it reads more like a parody of itself. Study finds consuming loads of sodas won't contribute to obesity! Myth #5: HFCS is not natural! etc.
          Rebecca Petris
          The Dry Eye Foundation



          • #6
            Sort of like refractive surgeon's websites or commercials. Buyer Beware.
            Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

            The Dry Eye Queen


            • #7
              I agree....its true...

              That was a very interesting article, I believe it.....I actually do believe that alot of the heath problems that we have are due to the things we eat.... like today, in all the pre-packed foods their are lots of preservatives, and chemicals, artificial flavors, and sweeteners...for example aspertame.... artificial colors..etc. it's sad, but the truth...

