I spent part of the day yesterday with the Barlean family up in Ferndale, Washington where they make the celebrated flaxseed oils. We had some long chats about the Omega 3 / Omega 6 situation and the American diet, so when I saw today's Friday Pearl (Ellen Troyer, Biosyntrx) in my inbox I thought it was particularly a propos....
Those of you who have your antennae raised for the "big picture" of dry eye causes from such things as the inflammation-promoting western diet and lifestyle might find it interesting too.
Children of the Corn
(emphasis mine)
...And if I can add just one brief comment, as I've commented in the past, that high fructose corn syrup is not just in the desserts. It's on the label of nearly every prepared food you can buy from most supermarkets today.
p.s. So if you were trying to reach us by phone yesterday and couldn't, now you know why - I was playing hooky for once
Those of you who have your antennae raised for the "big picture" of dry eye causes from such things as the inflammation-promoting western diet and lifestyle might find it interesting too.
Children of the Corn
“We use nothing but the finest USDA Iowa corn fed beef and pork in all of our products to bring you a taste you will not forget.” Forbes Meat tag line
Almost everything Americans eat contains corn: high fructose corn syrup desserts, corn-fed beef, and shelf-life-extending hydrogenated, or partially hydrogenated corn oil is in almost all processed breads, chips and crackers. Corn feeds poultry, pigs and sheep, and even farm-raised-fish. These foods represent the staples of the modern American diet....
Grass fed free-range cattle is almost a thing of the past because our government subsidizes farmers $28.00 an acre to raise corn....
In today’s world, it costs less to raise cattle in bacteria-ridden corn-fed-confinement than to let them roam free and feed on natural grass. Animal nutritionists confirm that corn makes cows sick and beef fatty....
Despite popular opinion, it’s not just the saturated fat and cholesterol that causes most of the problems associated with red meat, chicken, fish and fowl consumption. It’s also the vascular inflammation produced by excess Omega-6 arachidonic acid (AA) from corn-fed animals raised in spaces too small to allow the movement required for proper, or normal, AA metabolism....
"...When you’re at McDonald’s, almost everything on your plate is corn.” Michael Pollan, Knight Professor or Journalism, UC Berkeley
Almost everything Americans eat contains corn: high fructose corn syrup desserts, corn-fed beef, and shelf-life-extending hydrogenated, or partially hydrogenated corn oil is in almost all processed breads, chips and crackers. Corn feeds poultry, pigs and sheep, and even farm-raised-fish. These foods represent the staples of the modern American diet....
Grass fed free-range cattle is almost a thing of the past because our government subsidizes farmers $28.00 an acre to raise corn....
In today’s world, it costs less to raise cattle in bacteria-ridden corn-fed-confinement than to let them roam free and feed on natural grass. Animal nutritionists confirm that corn makes cows sick and beef fatty....
Despite popular opinion, it’s not just the saturated fat and cholesterol that causes most of the problems associated with red meat, chicken, fish and fowl consumption. It’s also the vascular inflammation produced by excess Omega-6 arachidonic acid (AA) from corn-fed animals raised in spaces too small to allow the movement required for proper, or normal, AA metabolism....
"...When you’re at McDonald’s, almost everything on your plate is corn.” Michael Pollan, Knight Professor or Journalism, UC Berkeley
...And if I can add just one brief comment, as I've commented in the past, that high fructose corn syrup is not just in the desserts. It's on the label of nearly every prepared food you can buy from most supermarkets today.
p.s. So if you were trying to reach us by phone yesterday and couldn't, now you know why - I was playing hooky for once
