Well, I went in to my appointment extremely optimistic. That is more than I can say for the way that I left. I asked him to concentrate on my right eye since it is the one that is bothering me most(inflammation and pain). He said it looks like Dry Eye/MGD/Conjunctivitis (all together). I asked about ANY surgery or laser treatment that could eradicate the inflammation in my right eye. He said to just be patient. He started me on doxycycline 100mg/day and an ointment called Bacitracin Zinc and Polymyxin B ointment at night. I have read some of the doxy posts but have not seen anything about the ointment. Anyone had significant success and if so how soon did you see a difference???
My second question is there is noted inflammation in your LASIK evaluation for your right eye and no one performed a schirmers test on you, how can you be sure you are a "good candidate"?
Did anyone else that had LASIK not have a Schirmer's Test prior to the procedure?
My second question is there is noted inflammation in your LASIK evaluation for your right eye and no one performed a schirmers test on you, how can you be sure you are a "good candidate"?
Did anyone else that had LASIK not have a Schirmer's Test prior to the procedure?