Just want to know from everyones opinion.
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What are some the best allergy eye drops on the market?
don't know why, but Dwelle, even for allergies
I have seasonal allergies that are popping up lately again. . .Coincidentally, I'm on Dwelle, now. . .In the past, eye docs have given me Patanol for the eye itch. . .and i've also taken systemic/oral Claritin. . .Right now, though, I'm not using anything but Dwelle, and even though I'm sneezing and wheezing, my eyes don't itch or feel irritated. . .
So I think the Dwelle is coating my eye surface in a way that effectively protects it from the invasion of irritants, or from the effects of internally generated histamines. . .<Doggedly Determined>
I have used Patanol, but found that Zadator over the counter works just as well. I get good results from both. The only problem is both contain a preservative that is bad for DES. As such, I only use them when I am desperate. I would suggest frequent saline flushes. I have not tried it but have heard good things about Similysan Allergy eye drops. They are homeopathic and preservative free.Every day with DES is like a box of chocolates...You never know what you're going to get.
Toril - zaditen allergy drops with no preservatives ???
Wow --- where do you get them from???
I researched allergy drops and could find none that were unpreserved so i wrote to allergan complaining
Who makes these drops ??
I have always felt there was an allergic component to my problem and could do nothing about it 'cos i am allergic to most preservatives in eye drops
(I have just recieved Dr Holly's drops and used Dakrina for the first time and it contains a light preservative so we shall see )
My immediate reaction was soothing to the actual eye surface, but the drops caused my lid margins to itch - so i cleaned the lashes and margins well with a q tip and boiled water and it feels OK at the moment - one hour later
Yes, Zaditen single vials (0,25 mg/ml) from Novartis! I must say I was a bit impressed myself when my doctor gave them to me. I googled it, and it seems like they were released on the Norvergian market in 2006. Norway isn't exactly far head when it comes to dry eyes/preservatives etc, so I am very glad to see that we have preservative free allergy drops on the market. They also sell Spersallerg in single vials here (also from Novartis), but my doctor told me Zaditen is best for long term use as it does not contain a vascoconstrictor (..or what is it called....the thing that makes the eye less red for a while).
Spersallerg: http://www.novartis.no/images/produk...llerg_eske.jpg
Zaditen : http://www.novartis.dk/includes/teas...es/Zaditen.gif
Hi Stella,
We had a thread about this awhile back. The PF version is only sold in Europe. I think maybe there were plans for Canada at some point, but the manufacturer has no plans to market them in the US (Zaditor) in the PF version.
Several of us wrote them about it. What they HAVE done is to sell Zaditor as an over-the-counter allergy eye drop with the same (containing BAK) formula that they previously sold by prescription only.
I hope they change their minds for the US market. But when I wrote to them, the representative told me that they had no plans to do so. This was over a year ago.
...I generally have a very good impression of Novartis when it comes to eyedrops and preservative issues. Some time back they put out a leaflet in the famacies telling about their dry eye products (that also contained good information about when you should avoid preservatives), and these days they also have a commercial on the radio about their dry eye products! I don't use their products Visotears and Oculac (that the commercial is about) these days (as I have found other drops that I like better), but making a leaflet and commercials on the radio spreads out information about dry eyes, and that is very good!! I have not seen any other companies selling dry eye products doing that earlier (in Norway at least).
So..maybe you could contact Novartis and ask them about allergydrops without preservatives in GB?