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Any one use an Eye Wash?

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  • Any one use an Eye Wash?

    Here in UK I use Optrex Eye Wash. A liquid that comes with an eye bath. I use it 2-3 times a day and whenever I try and press MG's after rice baggy use. It sooths eyes for awhile. I also use it first thing in the am as my eyes usually feel pretty good after sleep.

    I've not red anything about eye baths at DED and it is very helpful. The Optrex site is

    I have read about people using eye baths and home made eye washes but I do not know what they use.

  • #2
    contains bak

    My advise to you if you live in the u.k get your doctor to prescribe minims saline p.f...... Many of us here have used products over many years with the preservative BAK and has caused us damage on the ocular surface if it is purely a eye wash saline is the safest drop out there as saline is balanced to your own tears please research anything you put in your eyes start here with the dry eye zone for any reseach and advise.......



    • #3
      I agree with Locky - I damaged my eyes with BAK in a contact solution. After I discontinued using the drops a few months later I started using a eye wash and had a flare up 2 days later - I checked the ingredients and BAK was in the wash!

      All the best

      The magic gloop IS out there somewhere - right?


      • #4
        To add to that - you are maybe washing away the natural oils / tears and mucous off your eyes which is what dry eyes need so badly.
        I looked at the optrex eye wash with the eye bath and decided against it .
        I think it may be useful if you are exposed to allergies or irritants like smoke sand or fumes or something, but for regular everyday use i dont think we need to" wash" the eye ball.I have never heard of an ophthalmo recommending it. They say if you get a chemical in your eye you should keep splashing with cold water.


        • #5
          Eye Wash in UK

          Thanks to all who gave me new info about preservative free eye washes. I did'nt know they had preservative in them. I don't think my GP knows about preservatives in them either as he said Optrex might make me more comfortable.


          • #6
            What other drops have this BAK stuff?

            I hope I havent used any that had had them!


            • #7
              Originally posted by strider1 View Post
              What other drops have this BAK stuff?

              I hope I havent used any that had had them!
              Most prescription eyedrops have it. Most OTC allergy drops and redness relievers have it. Some OTC artificial tears have it.

              Here's a partial list of preservatives in common eyedrops.
              Rebecca Petris
              The Dry Eye Foundation

