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Anyone find their dry eye is BETTER with contact lenses in?

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  • #16
    Well, I have worn soft contacts for over 5 years until I couldn't tolerate them anymore....BUT I haven't worn any contacts for over 3 years now and my eyes haven't improved at all, they became worse during the last years without the lenses. This is why I assume that contacts didn't harm my eyes that much...

    @atta: I tried to take them out exactly as you described but I'm just too scared to touch my eyes and to press... and no, the redness hasn't improved yet but when I wore the contacts today my eyes seemed less inflammed, so I'm quite positive about the lenses...have you thought about visiting Dr. Cursiefen in Erlangen??


    • #17
      I do much better with my rigid gas permeables in than out. They take away the cool-menthol feeling immediately and completely.


      • #18
        I hear you...

        How refreshing for someone to have my exact problem. Have battling it since the beginning of January. Work contacts 15 years....last few months just my right eye has become intolerant. Basically, wear the contacts all day then upon removal eye becomes very sore and gets more sore over the next day then settles down again. Have tried every contact on the market, finally settled on daily pro clear were the best. But still not completely there. so I got a lower plug. For 2 weeks it was better than anything! Loved it didnt even think about my eyes. then, of course slowly got bad again. So went back to the doctor and we tried a 2 day in upper. It was great again, has now dissolved. Going back in 10 days to try a permanent in the upper and see if we get there. Its been a very long, lengthy and expensive process. Have def made progress, not sure I will ever get to being able to wear them like I used to. Guess i have to wait and see. But its great to see other people understand what I am experiencing.


        • #19
          Wow! I've started a bit of a debate it would seem!

          Can I please make it clear, I have no debris, no mucus, nothing to suggest bleph or similar. Another optician suggested I had a couple of blocked meibomian glands about a month ago, but nothing that showed up on my last exam.

          I have no corneal scarring or staining whatsoever and was last at the opticians two weeks ago when I was given the all clear to continue with lenses.

          I had a great day today, used no sprays, no drops and last night my eyes didn't burn when I took my lenses out at all.

          Any advice appreciated and also any discussion on contact lens use with dry eye -- I'm sure it will help lots of peeps here


          • #20
            My doctor put me in Lifestyle Gas Permeables today. So far so good. Will let you know where I go with this. BUT-- I have learned that even one day without my fish oil is a guarantee of problems. It is crucial I take it daily and twice a day is even better.


            • #21
              What Are Lifestyle Gas Perms?

              Could you tell a bit more about the Lifestyle RGP lenses? I did not find much from an online search.



              Originally posted by rubyslippers View Post
              My doctor put me in Lifestyle Gas Permeables today. So far so good. Will let you know where I go with this. BUT-- I have learned that even one day without my fish oil is a guarantee of problems. It is crucial I take it daily and twice a day is even better.


              • #22
                I don't have any information except that they are supposed to be designed with dry eye suffers in mind. I only wore them a short while yesterday as they needed to be soaked (came dry from the company). I have only had them in about 1/2 hour this AM so will update after I have had more time wearing them.


                • #23
                  Hi Fathlies

                  I'm very interested because you mentioned in your first post that the lenses cover the redness. Do you have lenses with white outer? How does it work against the redness?


                  • #24
                    Hi there Atta

                    Nope, they're completely normal silicone hydrogel lenses, not sclerals, no "white" on them, just normal lenses.

                    I'm noticing I haven't been getting the burning at night/in the mornings -- the past few nights and mornings have been ok.

                    I nearly didn't put my lenses in today as my eyes weren't red or burning when I got up, but I was doing dirty work in the garden and didn't want to risk my glasses slipping off or having to keep put them back on my nose with dirty hands!

                    But I will wear glasses all day tomorrow -- I've got three new pairs now, so I've got no excuse!!

