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Blaming Myself

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  • Blaming Myself

    You all probably know me by now since I am a bit of a complainer LOL. I know I didn't cause my Sjogrens but I can't help but blame myself that I should of caught things sooner. Ofcourse there was probably nothing I could do anyways but I sit and think of what my life could of been sans my dry eye. Since having severe dry eye I had to give up my career and start a different job. It is quite a stretch from the career I once had and source of a great deal of depression for me. I keep telling myself that in 10 yrs time I probably won't have the same severe dry eye as they will find a cure or solution but that does little for the time being. I guess I just need confirmation from others that there will be a solution for all of us and that our struggles will not be in vein.

    PS. Currently I work in a vision center (ironic ain't it) and advise everyone not to get LASIK. I tell them of my struggles moisture chambers and all and they run for the hills. Not sure if my bosses will like it but it gives me peace of mind.
    If life is a bowl of cherries, then why I am I stuck in the pits!

  • #2
    I do know exactly how you feel...I had to give up my career which I loved (teaching) because of dry eyes - couldn't take the dry and dusty environment. It makes one feel very sad, and quite bitter actually, because it seems so unfair.

    No one blames you for complaining - I'm sure a lot of people here feel the same, and you're just voicing how many of us feel. If you can't complain to us, who can you complain to?


    • #3
      Totally Agree

      I agree with Eva. The only people that REALLY know how our DES makes us feel are the ones on this website... It is great to know that on a bad day we can vent our frustrations and people here know exactly what we are going through. I spend a lot of time thinking about how my life would be different/better if I had never chosen to have LASIK surgery. Every day is tough and like ATTA said in one of his posts, "we just want to be US again." Good Luck and feel free to vent whenever you feel like it, I am sure I will need to from time to time.

      Take care, DN


      • #4

        Thanks for your messages. Having this board helps tremendously.
        If life is a bowl of cherries, then why I am I stuck in the pits!

