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Eyes feeling better IN lenses, and worse without...

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  • Eyes feeling better IN lenses, and worse without...

    I've been suffering with dry eyes for several months now.

    Started off with viral conjunctivitis, I developed or was already allergic to the preservatives in the drops/gels I was prescribed. I'm a full-time lens wearer and couldn't wear lenses for around a month while my eyes were absolute agony/bloodshot/dry even with the Viscotears I was given.

    I've ended up allergic to the all-in-one contact lens solution I'd been using for about nine years.

    Been back in lenses for a good month now, vision is good, get the odd feeling of dryness while they are in, but feel like I've got to the bottom of things and my optician agrees.

    My eyes are good in my lenses and I'm now using peroxide solution. I probably notice the odd red vein more than I used to, but otherwise no problems and I very rarely use Refresh and sometimes a water spray on my face while in lenses.

    BUT -- my eyes are red and they burn when I take my lenses OUT -- whether it's night or day.

    Optician says she suffers the same thing and that she believes the lens protects the eye like a bandage and prevents evaporation. Take the lenses out, and my eyes are instantly slightly red and they are sore within seconds.

    Refresh and Celluvisc soothe them a bit once lenses are out but I don't think I could cope wearing glasses for a full day.

    Any advice? I wear silicon hydrogel lenses and have done for several years. Optician says these are suitable to dry eye conditions due to lower moisture content and doesn't recommend changing them. She says I have no corneal scarring/staining when she tested them whatsoever and eyes look completely healthy.

    I'm just concerned that I'll never be able to get along WITHOUT my lenses, when a couple of months ago I thought I'd never be able to wear them again!

    NB - I noticed that last night my eyes didn't burn at all when I took my lenses out and today I've had a good day -- no dryness, no drops and no sprays, eyes are bright and clear, now in 14th hour of lens wear.

  • #2
    Originally posted by faithlies View Post
    BUT -- my eyes are red and they burn when I take my lenses OUT -- whether it's night or day.

    Optician says she suffers the same thing and that she believes the lens protects the eye like a bandage and prevents evaporation. Take the lenses out, and my eyes are instantly slightly red and they are sore within seconds.
    Thanks for reposting here. I wanted to comment because I think your post is an excellent learning opportunity for others who are going through a similar experience.

    I very frequently hear your described symptoms. I can tell you that most of the time all I have to do is evert the lid to find out some real answers.

    It is highly likely that the underside of your top lid has changed from a normally smooth surface to that of a rougher surface, similar to sand paper. Now, imagine rubbing one of the most sensitive parts of your body, the cornea, with sandpaper! In my opinion, it is very possible that the contact is acting as a shield (not bandage). It is preventing that rough lid from rubbing against your sensitive cornea. For more info check out,

    If this issue has not been addressed by your eye doctor, I would seek a second opinion. Also, it is almost always in a patient’s best interest to be in a daily disposable contact if available. No cleaning system beats a fresh new contact. If you have not heard about products such as AV 1 Day Moist, Pro Clear 1 Day, and Ciba Focus Dailies, seek out the care of somebody who is knowledgeable in them.

    Don't forget to keep us posted. I'm am very curious to hear about your next exam!


    • #3
      Hi there.

      I did have my eyelids examined, both at the eye hosp and at the optician's.

      Glad to report that they said they were fine, no sign of GPC -- though the action of them flipping my poor eyelids over a Q tip was darn agony!!!!

      Also glad to report that the bothersome burning sensation when removing my lenses does seem to have subsided almost, if not completely, as has the redness. I was experiencing redness right the lower regions of both irises on removal of my lenses, and when I was out of lenses for the six weeks while my eyes were really bad, this was pretty much a permanent fixture.

      I've been free of the burning on removal of lenses for nearly a week now. I'm using no drops or sprays whatsoever at the moment and I'm very grateful of all the help and advice I've received here, thanks folks


      • #4
        Wonderful news!


        • #5
          Hi Justin.

          Just wondering, have you any idea what the possible cause of the continued inflammation may have been, looking at what I've posted here?

          I've found that throughout the past three months, I've had to do a lot of my own research and a lot of guesswork as to what's been causing my problems, despite input from my opthalmologist and optician.

          Could it be that the preservative-laden drops and gel I was using have taken this long to work their way out of my system? That is my own idea, as I feel this was what caused my dry eye problems in the first place.

          Any input would be greatly appreciated. Dry eye symptoms are now almost non-existant, redness has all but completely gone and I've only had one experience of the burning sensation upon removing lenses in the past week.

