I have been diagnosed with very severe GERD and LPR (acid into my voice box causing me hoarsness and inability to teach). Any of the PPI's they have put me on have exacerbated my DES. I am currently on Nexium and my eyes get drier by the day. I went on it on Tuesday. I had punctal plugs put in Friday and they make the situation bearable and I am very glad I had that done.
Will my body adapt to the the Nexium or will the dryness continue until it is unbearable? I keep trading one problem for another. They say I will be on some sort of PPI for life, most likely.
Any experience with side effects--dryness, of Nexium going away. I know that with some medications, your body will adapt. I am despairing.
Will my body adapt to the the Nexium or will the dryness continue until it is unbearable? I keep trading one problem for another. They say I will be on some sort of PPI for life, most likely.
Any experience with side effects--dryness, of Nexium going away. I know that with some medications, your body will adapt. I am despairing.