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is this the best course of tx for me?

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  • is this the best course of tx for me?

    Sorry to hijack the thread but not sure how to post messages to you otherwise. I'm 41, had DES diagnosed for about 1 year. For 2 years before my eyelid margins would get extremely itchy at night and sorry to say would be scratching away at them. An opth gave me Fougera FML (?) ointment to apply at night and it went away. Last year I wore my contacts (only wore very occasionally up to then) all day every day while on vacation and 2 weeks later developed what I thought was an eye infection, looked like pinkeye plus painful and lots of stringy mucous. Since then I've been on lotemax on and off and Restasis for about 6 weeks but then went off it.

    Since then tried various tx as suggested on this board, rice baggy (left my eyelids dry and inflamed) fish oil (broke me out in huge cysts) and lid hygiene (occusoft and sterilid). Switched opths and my new one has put me on Restasis and lotemax x4 per day, so far its been 3 days and no relief, I really thought the lotemax would start working on the inflmmation, perhaps the Restasis is counteracting it though? I did ask him in my exam if I have occular rosacea or clogged meibomian and he said no to both, - what good would doing warm compresses and lid hygiene do in my case? The only good thing about being on Lotemax the past 3 days is my eyelids no longer itch like they did and my eyeball isn't stuck to my eyelid when I wake up like it used to. Sorry for such a long post, this new opth of mine is ok, he claims to have dry eyes but even so I do not feel like he is very interested in my condition.
    many thanks.