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Not producing tears when I cry! What is this?

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  • Not producing tears when I cry! What is this?

    I have just recently been diagnosed with moderate-severe dry eye with recurrent corneal erosions. I am not producing tears when I cry! What is this? I feel like I am going to go crazy! Why is my body doing this? Has anyone ever heard of not producing tears when you cry? Been tested for SS and Lupis. Both negative. I am scared and in pain. Started taking eye vitamins and fish oil capsules. Hoping to help with some discomfort. I have been desperately searching the internet for help. I can not beleive how many people suffer, and I mean SUFFER with dry eye! I am so depressed and it has dramatically changed my life. Driving, working on the computer, ect. I feel so isolated and alone. However, I know now that I am not alone since I found this website. Has anyone heard of or ever used Bio Tears capsuls? I just ordered some. Please if anyone knows of some way to get my life back, I would be so thankful.
    Scared & Desperate.

  • #2
    Hello MTL. I felt obliged to replied to your post because of its crucial significance.
    Well, I understand your suffering because we are all in the same boat here.
    Well What, you DON"T produce ANY tears when you cry?
    Your test for SS is negative?
    Which doc has you went to? What did he said?...

    And did you read the dryeye encyclopaedia? It has lots of important information for re-balancing your life again...
    I mean, please, stop depressing or at least try....
    try drinking magnesium supplement, it might reduce your stress.
    but most importantly;

    do eye warm compress with rice baggies
    eye massage
    and continue to take your supplement.
    eye takes time to heal and be consistent in your routine..!
    If I have to choose between being happy and sad, I''ll choose being happy....... and you?... so.... stop choosing being unhappy (yeah its hard but....)....stop depressing........ live!!!


    • #3
      We do understand.

      The hardest thing for me was that my doctor kept saying that he could make it better but it would take time and take patience on my part. I was so frustrated that some things could be done but that we had to figure certain things out first.

      Once the inflammation went down we discovered what products worked and which didn't or made it worse, then we moved to the next thing. In your future may be dissolvable or permanent plugs, Restasis, hot compresses and working with your MB glands. You need a doctor who can figure out exactly what is wrong and then knows the order in which to proceed.

      I cannot strongly enough recommend Dr. Latkany's "The Dry Eye Remedy" --you can get it at Amazon. The Eye Spa treatments are good for anyone even if you don't know the source of your problem. Many here have found relief from that alone. I am personally finding flaxseed oil capsules to work even better than the fish oil for me. A humidifier is a must for me in any room where I spend time. Always wear sunglasses outside. Limit your computer use and turn down the brightness. Get enough sleep. Stay away from fumes of any kind.

      I hope you have access to a really good doctor who is willing to see it through until things are at least tolerable. The first 4 months were so very difficult.

