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Can't open eye in morning

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  • Can't open eye in morning

    Hi all,
    I was wondering if anyone has had problem being able to open their eyes in the morning after sleeping all night, or waking in the middle of the night?
    It takes a minute after waking up before I can comfortably open my right eye in the morning & during the night if wake up. Is this because it is too dry to open?
    Any ideas on helping prevent this? Are there any risks in this?


  • #2
    Yes, it's from the eyes being dry.
    I keep drops next to my bed and as soon as I wake up, I reach for the drops and put them in my eyes. Then I can open them.
    By the way, obviously, you can't put the drops INto your eyes if they won't open. I put a drop on my closed eye by the inside corner and it seeps in. Then, I open the eye a little and put in another drop.


    • #3
      I would agree with the other post. get the drops in BEFORE you open your eyes.

      Dry eye is not as harmless as it sounds, and while most people are fine with just a few eye drops for others its more serious.

      I would advise you to get hold of Dr. Robert Latkany's book that is for sale through the dry eye store, or borrow it from your library.

      Maybe you just need a little change in your diet, introducing more Omega 3 oil, a humidifier, or another simple change to help. If you are female and/or going through the menopause you may be experiencing dry eye because of hormones.

      Either way I would get reading. I would ni[p it in the bud if I was you. Might not develope into any thing but why take the chance.

      Oh and incase you haven't already been told, stay away from LASIK!


      • #4

        In the UK we have a product called Steripods which are a 15ml vial of non preserved saline solution.

        I keep one of these on the bedside table and quite often open 1 when I feel my eyes a little sticky to open.

        I simply snap the steripod and pour it over my closed eyes before I try to open them. I feel this has saved me from many an erosion.

        In the US, Rebecca has posted there is a similar product available.

        Even if you keep a bottle/vial of your "favourite" drops on your bedside table, I would get yourself in the habit of putting in/on a few drops before you open your eyes.

        Hope this helps



        • #5
          Thanks everyone for all ur advice.
          I will try your suggestions.
          Anyone know how I can prevent it from sticking in the first place?


          • #6
            Originally posted by suneetk1 View Post
            Thanks everyone for all ur advice.
            I will try your suggestions.
            Anyone know how I can prevent it from sticking in the first place?
            Unfortunately, that is the holy grail for some of us.

            If you do find out please post.

            My Dr explained that if my eyes were "well hydrated" during the day, it would be unlikely they would stick.

            I simply haven't got to the bottom of this. I can't predict a potential sticky moment. When I have a skin full of red wine, I expect an erosion the next day, and seem to be fine, yet the days that I least expect them or have an early morning meeting booked are the days they are guaranteed to happen.

            Just seems no rhyme nor reason for regularity in my case.




            • #7
              Yes, I can prevent sticking by nightly putting in a good amount of Gen-Teal gel in the white and black tube (Walmart has it) just before I close my eyes for the night. I do not use their ointment as it seems to create other issues for me, but the gel is very good.


              • #8
                Originally posted by prattstar View Post
                Unfortunately, that is the holy grail for some of us.

                If you do find out please post.

                My Dr explained that if my eyes were "well hydrated" during the day, it would be unlikely they would stick.

                I simply haven't got to the bottom of this. I can't predict a potential sticky moment. When I have a skin full of red wine, I expect an erosion the next day, and seem to be fine, yet the days that I least expect them or have an early morning meeting booked are the days they are guaranteed to happen.

                Just seems no rhyme nor reason for regularity in my case.


                This is exactly my experience, too. I've tried all kinds of things, but what works best for me is Dwelle, wait fifteen minutes, then apply Genteal Gel and Tranquileyes goggles. They still stick. I've been trying to keep track, and it seems that since my erosions have stopped, my eyes stick in the morning more often than not. It's better than having them stick in the middle of the night and then ripping them open while still sleeping. Maybe this is another stage of healing? I don't know, but I am grateful that I have found a way to fend the sticking off until morning and to open my eyes with the aid of Refresh (PF) drops.

                And, suneetk1, I agree with bernmee. This may be a warning sign to you. I had a warning before my problems began. My eyes stuck off and on for two years before I started to get Recurrent Corneal Erosions (RCE's). I wish that I had found this site then. I could have perhaps saved myself a lot of suffering, wasted time, and money.


                • #9
                  Thanks everyone for all your advice.
                  Bernmee & Liz, I was actually diagnosed a year ago with dry eye & since then have figured out its caused by MGD & mild Bleph. I do have a copy of Dr L's book.
                  I'm pretty scared, I really dont want to suffer from an Erosion or anything like that. I dont know which treatment I will try next to keep them moist but I will start by trying one of the suggestions.
                  I hate this disease.
                  Thank you all.


                  • #10
                    I thought you were at the start of something...not already told you had DES.

                    I got mine from Lasik, and had erosions for 3 weeks right after the procedure. Very nasty but I hope I am out of the woods on that one.

                    I'm not sure about your condition but have you considered, or are tear ducts plugs an option for you?

                    After putting the first one in I was able to open my eye without literally peeling it off my eye ball (this was before I found this site and thought this was normal post Lasik as my surgeon wanted me to believe)

                    Five days ago I had the top one put is....have yet to see how that works out.

                    I don't understand your condition so I way be way off on this one, sorry if I am!

                    I am also seeing a nutritionist and am on an anti inflammatory can goolge anti inflammatory foods for a complete discussion on that one.

                    I also have to keep my hydration levels up. I have always drank an incredible amount of water but always seemed to be thirsty. I was very surprised to learn that sometime pure water flushes out of the body without being absorbed. But mixing it with some calories (fruit juice) will get the body working on it. Coconut water (not milk) available in cartons in heallth food stores, which contains high levels of magnesium and potassium is the best.

                    Once again I don't know if this will apply to you, but here it is.

                    I am only a baby when it comes to DE, I'm only 8 weeks post Lasik so I'm no expert.

                    Good luck,



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bernmee View Post
                      I am also seeing a nutritionist and am on an anti inflammatory can goolge anti inflammatory foods for a complete discussion on that one.
                      Bernadette, I am not sure what your time demands are, but if you were so inclined, I'd really appreciate a blog on your dietary changes and its affects! Are you willing to consider keeping a diary?



                      • #12
                        good old H2O

                        Hi Suneet,

                        My lids have also been stuck to my eyes in the morning. It's a miserable condition and I'm sorry you have to deal with it. I'd like to suggest a simple way to ease your eyes open in the morning. I keep a small glass of filtered water on the nightstand next to my bed. When I awaken - and before opening my eyes - , I dip my fingers in the water and moisten the base of my eyelashes; a little water seeps into my eyes. I can then gently open my eyes without fear of an erosion.

                        It took a little 'training' to keep my eyes closed while farbling around for the cup of water but in about a week I was a pro. I've been doing this for years. There are many, many mornings now that I do not need to moisten my eyelids before opening my eyes but I would not dream of going to bed without a cup of water by my side.

                        "People may not always remember exactly what you said or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel." ~ Unknown


                        • #13
                          That's a really good idea, Cindy, and much cheaper than using the artificial tear vials.


                          • #14
                            I do similar as Cindy but I feel my way to bathroom and then splash warm water on my eyes. After I do my eye scrub and then drops.

