Please avoid posting new threads in the topical archives folders.
New threads should either go here (Open Forum) or in one of the other Community boards. When threads drop below first-page status on Open Forum, I eventually move them to the Topical Archive folders to make it easier for people to scan by topic.
Also, if you think about it please add a TAG to your post when creating a new thread. Tags should only be very specific terms like a product name or disease name/acronym. They help both in user searching and in making my filing process easier.
Examples of useful tags: rosacea, rce, sjogrens, lasik, restasis, dwelle, plugs
New threads should either go here (Open Forum) or in one of the other Community boards. When threads drop below first-page status on Open Forum, I eventually move them to the Topical Archive folders to make it easier for people to scan by topic.
Also, if you think about it please add a TAG to your post when creating a new thread. Tags should only be very specific terms like a product name or disease name/acronym. They help both in user searching and in making my filing process easier.
Examples of useful tags: rosacea, rce, sjogrens, lasik, restasis, dwelle, plugs