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  • Meibomianitis

    This is what i'm diagonised with, its a type of Blepharitis - had Eye appointment today in my local Eye Clinic.

  • #2
    What are you being treated with?


    • #3
      I've to continue with the warm compresses and lid hygiene (probably long term) and i was also prescribed Minocycline - one a day 50 mg for 8 weeks.


      • #4
        its the same as MGD or Meibomian Gland Dysfunction...i think dr.s should also explain in details instead of just diagnosing something. good luck


        • #5
          Ya i know, they don't really explain much unless you ask. The Doctor i met today was very helpful.


          • #6
            Did he say the possible cause. It is the same as posterior Blepharitis, MGD etc.


            • #7
              Blepharitis, Meibomianitis, MGD ... all the same really. In medical terminology "itis" is a suffix meaning inflamed. Bronchitis.. inflamed bronchia, blepharitis.. inflamed eyelids
              Occupation - Optimistologist


              • #8
                Originally posted by Plat View Post
                Did he say the possible cause. It is the same as posterior Blepharitis, MGD etc.
                No she said the cause of Blepharitis is unknown


                • #9
                  There can be underlying causes such as hormonal in women (I have gone on to an an HRT with an andogen element in it -since androgen is supposed to be good for DE --- cant say whether it has helped , but since i am on HRT ,i might as well take one with androgen in it )
                  Also underlying allergies can cause /exacerbate MGD,as can rosacea, and seborroeaic dermatitis (dandruff) -- there are other underlying causes (cant quote them all) some you can do something about , others like aging and fair skin (which is what Bruce is investigating) you cant do anything about ??? or can you
                  It is also hard to determin from the literature whether it would help to treat the underlying problems - take for example dandruff + dry skin issues --- do they just go hand in hand or would it help one's MGD to treat the dandruff and dry skin ? I have never been able to establish that --- presumably taking fish/flaxseed oils help these conditions


                  • #10
                    Ya i can't really make out what caused it for me - i don't have dandruff or dry skin (fair skin yes!), don't have allergies either (that i know of), well i did get allergy test done and nothing really showed up. Don't really know what caused it.


                    • #11

                      Weren't you told just a week of two ago that you had some sort of fungal infection? What is the story with that? As we both have the same symtoms I was going to ask you about the fungal thing.

                      Anyway I was told myself three weeks ago I had MGD. I found that for pain relief taking a shower worked best, but not always convenient.

                      Dr. Gagnon who has just joined this site recommended the rice baggy that is for sale on this site. I have to say it works wonders for immediate pain relief. I, as well as alot of people on this site, can't say enough good things about it.

                      I too am on Doxy. It has made a difference but it is still so frustrating to be in pain when I really want a magic pill, but that is where the rice baggy comes in.

                      Ah well, we soldier on.....


                      • #12
                        It was actually a yeast infection - an overgrowth of yeast on my skin - whether or not this is related to the eye problem i'm not sure.


                        • #13
                          Acarol, using minocycline can increase your risk of yeast if you're already struggling with that, it might be a good idea to take some preventative measures while on minocycline, such as eating yogurt everyday.


                          • #14
                            acarol -
                            another alternative to the yogurt , to increase good bacteria in the gut and reduce yest infection, is to take acidophalus - Holland and Barrett do a very pleasant chewable tablet which i take everyday and it has definately helped my irritable bowel symptoms .I inceased it to 2 tabs (maximum recommended on the bottle ) whilst i was on doxycillen those 4 months
                            You would need to eat an awful lot of live yogurt to get the quantities of good bacteria to equal one of the tablets


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by stella View Post
                              acarol -
                              another alternative to the yogurt , to increase good bacteria in the gut and reduce yest infection, is to take acidophalus - Holland and Barrett do a very pleasant chewable tablet which i take everyday and it has definately helped my irritable bowel symptoms .I inceased it to 2 tabs (maximum recommended on the bottle ) whilst i was on doxycillen those 4 months
                              You would need to eat an awful lot of live yogurt to get the quantities of good bacteria to equal one of the tablets
                              I've started taking a probiotic yogurt every day but i may need to include something else aswell, i will look into the acidophalus. Thanks Stella and Odydnas. Hopefully taking the Minox will be worth it in the long run.

