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exasperated..whats next to try

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  • #16
    The first posting I made on this site 5 weeks post Lasik and the day my bandage contact lens came out Rebecca posted a recommendation for a Dr. in my area who knew all about dry eye. I was reluctant to go as I didn't want to admit that my problem was so big that I needed a dry eye specialist. Also I was failry much spinning out of control in terms of pain, I could barely get through my day never mind go and make an appointment to see another Dr. Everything was just too much for me to take.

    I knew I had to change Dr.'s though as my Lasik Dr. didn't tell me about plugs, I found out about them on this site, didn't tell me I was having erosions, another Dr. told me when I came in crying 8am Monday morning, on my third Monday morning coming in crying. But the penny dropped after reading another members post, I knew that I was suffering from MGD. I asked him if I was and he said "oh we all suffer from that to some extent or another", I knew then it was time to go. I didn't care who suffered from it, I had asked him if I had suffered from it and he evaded, even though I was giving him a lead. This was about 3 months post Lasik.

    I switched to a dry eye Dr. who did schirmers and TBUT on me. I feel he is up to date on the whole dry eye thing and he wants to use that knowledge to help me. He is familiar with this site, Rebecca and he even stocks the rice baggy. He told me the rice babby wa the only way to go for warm compresses and he was right.

    You are getting alot of the correct treatments but you don't need a Dr. saying those things to you. You need someone saying, I have seen hundreds of dry eye patients and I have helped them all get better/manage their condition. Giving your Lasik Dr. the benefit of the doubt, maybe he has never seen a case like yours before. But wouldn't you rather be treated by someone who sees cases like you every day. You can tell from this site that there are many people suffering from dry eye, for diferent reasons, but we still have dry eye.

    If you can get a recommendation from this site you will be in a much better place. So much of this dry eye thing isn't just the meds/drops we use but dealing with the fear and anxiety that goes along with it. You need to feel your Dr. is with you 100%.

    Last edited by bernmee; 13-Sep-2008, 11:28.


    • #17
      Thanks, that gives me hope that it is just a matter of time before I heal. How long was it before your eyes felt functional and comfortable?[/QUOTE]

      At about 6 months, I'd say the worst was over. I still have good weeks, bad weeks... not too sure what makes the difference (might be the weather - here in Canada, it's not too stable at times, fatigue, etc.)


      • #18
        Originally posted by dan_can View Post
        Thanks, that gives me hope that it is just a matter of time before I heal. How long was it before your eyes felt functional and comfortable?
        At about 6 months, I'd say the worst was over. I still have good weeks, bad weeks... not too sure what makes the difference (might be the weather - here in Canada, it's not too stable at times, fatigue, etc.)[/QUOTE]


        • #19

          Have you had test done such as TBUT and you know what is causing your dry eye....what are your scores...that is are your tears evaporating too fast or are you not producing enough tears.

          If you have MGD, which can be brought on by Lasik, then there is treatment that you are not getting.

          I am five months post Lasik and while I am out of the 100% pain/agony all the time. I am one week at irritated/varing degrees of bearable but not happy, another week of pain/not sure how much more I can take. However I know this is a long and slow process, and my Dr. is very up to date on things so we are going to try diferent things. He tell me not to worry as we have options, so I'm fairly sure we will find something, its just hard to deal with how slow it is. But time is one my side as I am 5 months post Lasik, though I have to say it is hard to remember a time when I didn't have some type of sensation in my eye.

          Keep well,



          • #20

            Have you had test done such as TBUT and you know what is causing your dry eye....what are your scores...that is are your tears evaporating too fast or are you not producing enough tears.
            My guess is no tears, even with 4 plugs I have no overflow. I dont think that I have had these tests, usually it is just a visual exam done by the Dr. Sometimes she puts yellow drops in my eyes and looks. I need to ask more ?'s.

            I guess I just did not want to admit that this problem is ongoing, everytime I buy a box of drops I think this will be my last. My eyes have become worse in the past week, no moisture-which of course results in pain. Dont know what I have done differently. I bought the book and got onion goggles , so I guess that I am not in denial anymore. It is probably time to seek out a specialist- I just wonder if they will touch me since I am under the care of another Dr. I cant believe that I am in this situation of my own disheartening. Thank You Bernadette, your input is so helpful.


            • #21
              Originally posted by dianat View Post
              Restasis can take months and months to show results. Dr Latkany reveals how it works in his book, which I do recommend. I do hope your doctor didn't lead you to believe it was a quick fix? How long have you been on it?
              I have been on Restasis about 5 weeks and have had no change, worse lately actually. Have you tried Restasis? How long before results. Thanks for your input, there is a recommended doc in my are I may have to try.


              • #22

                Jen, I know what you mean about not wanting to admit that this is a problem. When I fist found this site I thought no way, I am not going to be one of those people, and I only came back to it two weeks later. I ordered some Panoptix glasses at the weekend, my Lasik eye waters and automaticaly shuts when I go outside, but it still took me 5 months to get them. And I know it was because I just didn't want to take that step.

                I am not on Restatis. The reason is because my insurance does not cover it and it will be about $300 per month. It is on the list of future treatments, but the knowledge that it takes months to know if it works....that amounts to nearly $1000...but it is an option.

                You should watch the youtube videos that Plat has posted in the last few days. They give a great explination of dry eyes. Don't persume that your problem is that you are not producing enough tears. I am producing on the upper end of what is considered normal, but my oil contnt is wrong, therefore th evaporate. I have plugs in the stop them draining but the wind and the surrounding air is working like a hari dryer on them...hence the glasses purchase.

                You are on the best site for gettng help, and you will probably have to do alot more before you find out what works, but the hope is with time, and the right treatment, you will be able to ease off and find that you are fine.

                You should get yourself a notebook and write things down, and ask your Dr. about it when you go in. it is important that you take an active hand in your own treatment.

                And if you do change Dr.'s, you will be seen. Alot of us go to a dry eye specialist after having Lasik. He confirms that the cornea looks fine and will help you with your dry eye, the same way he would if you got dry eye from any other source.

                Its hard at the start because the pain is worse at the start, and you don't have a clue what you are doing or what to expect. But keep on posting and soon enough you will find that you will be giving this advice to newbies who are a few weeks post Lasik, and even if you ar still having problems, you will be in a much better place then you are now.



                • #23
                  one good thing to cheer you up:

                  with this statement, you are offically accepted by this community.

                  Originally posted by Jen72 View Post
                  I am 7 weeks post Lasek and have severely dry painful eyes. I saw my Dr. today, she put in 4 punctal plugs about three weeks ago, started Restasis 4 weeks ago, stopped steroid 10 days ago and I still have very dry eyes. The Dr. said that I am her most severe case (great), she expected tears to be running down my face from the plugs, etc. No, that just does not happen, still dry. I am starting on Freshkote and Elestat (allergies may be a contributor) today. Just dont know when this will get better, frustrated that this is happening to me, and feel like I am this unusual case now. Any feedback, any similar experiences. would love to hear form you.


                  • #24
                    Well thank you Hasan, never thought that I would be part of a group like this! It will be a badge of honor

