During my last IPL session, I asked the doctor who gave me the treatment, whether they perform Meibomian Gland Probing or not (As I'm considering trying it).
He told me that their clinic used to offer this treatment in the past, but has since stopped.
The reasoning he gave me was something in the lines of:
"The efficiency of this hasn't been all that great. And since the potential benefits doesnt outweigh the risk, they don't want to perform this anymore.
In fact, there is some concern, that the procedure might actually damage the meibomian glands themselves."
I think this clinic is the only dry-eye specialists in my country (Norway), so the process of getting a second opinion would require a lot of effort/money, as I would likely have to travel to another country to get it.
Has someone in this forum had any significant experience with Meibomian Glands probing? Positive or negative?
Has it actually worked for you or not? Side-effects?
He told me that their clinic used to offer this treatment in the past, but has since stopped.
The reasoning he gave me was something in the lines of:
"The efficiency of this hasn't been all that great. And since the potential benefits doesnt outweigh the risk, they don't want to perform this anymore.
In fact, there is some concern, that the procedure might actually damage the meibomian glands themselves."
I think this clinic is the only dry-eye specialists in my country (Norway), so the process of getting a second opinion would require a lot of effort/money, as I would likely have to travel to another country to get it.
Has someone in this forum had any significant experience with Meibomian Glands probing? Positive or negative?
Has it actually worked for you or not? Side-effects?