Hello everyone. I am new in this group. I have severe dry eye syndrome. It started last march when I had my corneal transplant in my R eye. Stabbing sensation and foreign body sensation, grittiness, extreme sensitive to the light. You name it I have it.
I tried everything from lid cleansing, fish oil, extra vitamin supplements without much success. Now winter is upon me, my dry eyes are worth than ever. Air is dry and cold around me causing my eyes to extreme pain. I have been searching for the right answer without much success! I am glad to be here. Thanks for letting me be part of your group. Kitkat
I tried everything from lid cleansing, fish oil, extra vitamin supplements without much success. Now winter is upon me, my dry eyes are worth than ever. Air is dry and cold around me causing my eyes to extreme pain. I have been searching for the right answer without much success! I am glad to be here. Thanks for letting me be part of your group. Kitkat