Hello. I'm a 48 year old woman and I've been suffering from dry eye about a year now.
I'm on my second doctor. The first one just wanted to put me on Restasis within five minutes of meeting me. She got annoyed when I told her I was researching dry eye causes online and told me I should be doing more to help my eyes than reading about it on a computer! My new doctor actually did blood work to look for underlying causes, and dilated my eyes, etc. Everything looks healthy, but she says I have a "tendency" for Rosacea, Blepharitis. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing in the mirror to indicate this problem.
I'm using a rice baggie before bed, Systane drops all day, a humidifier in my bedroom and Flax seed oil twice a day. I live in western New York so the winter weather and constant furnance output isn't helping much. I also work on a computer all day.
I wear bi-focals and recently tried to get wrap around sun glasses so I could continue to take walks with my dog, however two optical stores told me my prescription is just out of the parameters for a curved lens. This is very depressing to me as walking outside renews my spirit and helps keep the pounds off. Treadmills just don't cut it for me. So I got myself a pair of large sunglasses, sort of "Jackie O" looking, but they don't provide complete protection. Does anyone know if the Pantoptyx or Wiley-X glasses can be made for hard-to-fit cases like mine?
Also, I've had to stop wearing mascara since even the waterproof kind flakes off with all the drops I use during the work day. Has anyone had luck with any brands of mascara? I only wear a little to work and really feel awkward without any on, sort of naked!
I am considering using Restasis, but my health insurance probably won't cover much of the cost. This is really making life a bit miserable right now, but I keep telling myself things could be a lot worse. Thanks for any advice.
I'm on my second doctor. The first one just wanted to put me on Restasis within five minutes of meeting me. She got annoyed when I told her I was researching dry eye causes online and told me I should be doing more to help my eyes than reading about it on a computer! My new doctor actually did blood work to look for underlying causes, and dilated my eyes, etc. Everything looks healthy, but she says I have a "tendency" for Rosacea, Blepharitis. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing in the mirror to indicate this problem.
I'm using a rice baggie before bed, Systane drops all day, a humidifier in my bedroom and Flax seed oil twice a day. I live in western New York so the winter weather and constant furnance output isn't helping much. I also work on a computer all day.
I wear bi-focals and recently tried to get wrap around sun glasses so I could continue to take walks with my dog, however two optical stores told me my prescription is just out of the parameters for a curved lens. This is very depressing to me as walking outside renews my spirit and helps keep the pounds off. Treadmills just don't cut it for me. So I got myself a pair of large sunglasses, sort of "Jackie O" looking, but they don't provide complete protection. Does anyone know if the Pantoptyx or Wiley-X glasses can be made for hard-to-fit cases like mine?
Also, I've had to stop wearing mascara since even the waterproof kind flakes off with all the drops I use during the work day. Has anyone had luck with any brands of mascara? I only wear a little to work and really feel awkward without any on, sort of naked!
I am considering using Restasis, but my health insurance probably won't cover much of the cost. This is really making life a bit miserable right now, but I keep telling myself things could be a lot worse. Thanks for any advice.