I want to welcome all of our new users. We have a wealth of information and support to provide. Chances are, some of your questions have been asked and answered many times before. So that you can obtain the most rapid information and maximum benefit from this site, please use the "search" feature in the menu bar above. If your question is not answered to your satisfaction, if the information in the threads is old and you want an update or you want to post something not covered here before, then feel free to post a new thread. As always, feel free to add your two cents to any existing thread as well. If you have questions, we are here to help!
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Use the "Search" feature!
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As a member for a time now, I think the "search" feature is good but sometimes, as with life, one gets much more than one asks for. Would be nice if someday a refinement for it were available.
I much prefer the "new posts" button myself. Not as much to sift through, usually. But that's just me! Thanks!
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The search feature is a very powerful tool. We have so many newbies coming on all the time, it's hard for them to start at times. I've seen the question; what do I do? what is my problem? what will help?
I like to answer things when I can, or when no one else has. However, when I see a broad question like the above, I don't feel like writing a dry eye dictionary and most others don't. Some subjects are not touched upon very often and you may only find a few threads with that subject. With others, the information is very long and thorough.
At those times, people have to take the time to browse through the information and see what is pertinent to them. After that, they usually have some pointed questions that have a definitive answer. We are so lucky to have this board and the people who post, and especially the information posted. You take what you need or want and sort of let the rest go. LucyDon't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.
The Dry Eye Queen
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