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Yes!! I Found a Book to Help Autoimmune Sufferers

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  • #61
    Originally posted by spmcc View Post
    Hi SAAG,

    Have you noticed any rosacea symptoms/flares from your fermented food experiment?

    I have typical rosacea -- I flare after eating/drinking certain things. It's so obvious for me that I know I can't, for example, drink wine/alcohol, drink hot liquids (tea, coffee, soup), eat spicy foods, tomatoes, citrus fruits, FERMENTED FOODS, yoghurt, aged cheeses, foods with sulfites, nitrates/nitrites, acetic acid, and much more. My immediate symptom from exposure to these things is flushing. My delayed (hours or the next day) symptoms are acne/pustules and ultra-sensitive facial skin (swelling, redness, itching, etc.). I also get mouth sores.

    Anyway, I just wanted to know if anyone with rosacea who tries this fermentation diet sees an increase in their rosacea symptoms.

    Came across this thread discussing Sauerkraut and Rosacea; sounds like it is cure rather than a trigger:
    I found relief eating RAW sauerkraut!!


    • #62
      Hi all. I was diagnosed with Sjogren's 15 years ago. Been on plaqunil, methotrexate and periods of medrol to help with fatigue. I have been implementing the fermented foods into my diet for a couple of weeks now. I am already feeling so much better! I'm on my 2nd reading of the book to help absorb all the details and better understand it interesting!!

      I am anxious to see if the changes in diet affect my dry eyes/mouth. Has anyone noticed any changes with their dryness after adding fermented foods?

      I'm curious too about the amount of saurekraut to eat everyday? Think Annesse said in the book that she ate it 3 times a day.

      Doing organic kefir, but it is that just a waste of $$?

      I would love to trade stories and tips with anyone who is on this journey!!

      Blessings to all of you.


      • #63
        i have been eating the sauerkraut for about a week or so and feel lousy.. i wish i felt better! i have sjogrens too... i read the book too

        how strict are you on t he diet? are you eating chicken, etc? any sweets?? my eyes and mouth are still so dry~!


        • #64
          Hi Jenny. Guess I spoke too soon...not feeling as good today as the previous week or two, but I am hopeful that tomorrow will be better.

          I am being very strict with the diet. Gluten free, no dairy except for kefir, lots of organic veggies and fruits, grass fed beef, organic sauerkraut, etc. I live near a Whole Foods, so finding all the healthy stuff is pretty easy....just expensive!

          My mouth has been driving me nuts today...not sure why it's worse today than others. I find lemon sparkling water (like LaCroix) is soothing and refreshing.

          Take Care.


          • #65
            sorry about that... i bought some more raw sauerkraut..$$$.. but i made my own but its sooo sour!! dont care for the taste but i will eat it and need to make more tho have on hand..its very $$$ to buy already made raw...

            i was very strict on a gf. dairy ,egg, hardly ate anything for 3 months and nothing..

            i was gf again again for a few weeks but company came into town and i went off of it.. did i feel worse? yes.. but do i get flares up adn feel worse even when i eat GF, dairy free, soy free , organic chicken, no eggs, no nightshades. etc... i still had tons of flare ups..

            i am hoping the sauerkraut will help.i dont eating a tblspoon or more 3 a day with protein..

            my left eye (worst eye) feels great but now its my right eye that kills..

            there wil be cake this weekend.. ifi feel like eating it i may but only if i have the mindset it wont hurt me..
            i have gone on chocolate binges and felt great for weeks after..and been strict as u can be and still i dont know..
            but i am incoorporating this fermented thing..

            pm me anytime! i want to hear about ur progress.dont let a bad day get u down ok?


            • #66
              Today was better! Just ate a fermented "real" pickle...very yummy!

              Hope you are feeling good today, day at a time...

              Take care


              • #67
                why don't you add these techniques in your routine

                1)nose cleaning
                after nose cleanning you get lot of mucus which you have to spit not to swallow. If you swallow you get indigestion.

                2) (drinking water) enema twice daily
                after 15 days taking enema only you will know the benefits.

                3) sun excersise
                in the morning sun 6am to 9 am you close your eye very gently see the sun (do not open your eyes and see the sun)
                when your eye muscles are relaxed you can see a reddish/yellow or yellowish red colour view in your eyes. just watch that you 5 to 10 minute and wash your eyes this relaxed position only you have to keep your eyes always. this comes with practice. you may get practical guidance on this. remove contact lene spectacles while doing this

                4) oil pulling in the morning

                5) drink 1-1.5 litre of water as your first food in the morning.

                6) stay in moonlight in the night atleast for two hours. switch off all lights mobile computer only hear to good calmming music

                the above techniques you can goole and find details.
                Last edited by eye_allergy-kids; 04-Oct-2012, 02:26.
                Raw eating cures all deceases.
                whole body cure is eye cure
                FOOD (Natural, chemical free), Environment (air, water, noise), Relaxed Mind makes decease free

