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What will help bad acne, but not ruin my eyes?

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  • #16
    ok gals/guys!!! went to my eye doc.. he said it would be ok to try Finacea-azelaic acid--its water soluble and not fat (lipid) solu[B]ble like retin a and other retinoids.. he said it should not harm the glands. etc.... i am going to try it. its $$$ but no more retinoids for me.. was on them for years before my sjogrens came on even thos i was diagnosed over 18 years ago.... doc said most likely i hvae MGD from sjogrens as 60-70% of his patients with sjogrens have it... plus i cant go back in time.. but def no more retinoids for me....

    my doc couldt believe that the derm andpharmacist both said that topical retinoids are not absorbed systemically


    • #17
      I was diagnosed with ocular rosacea by one eye doc, but my current eye doc says I don't have it. I have no idea.

      None of the rosacea triggers cause any issues for me, so I have no idea whether I truly have facial rosacea. My skin is pinkish, but it's very minimal.

      I was on doxy for 1.5 years and my acne did not subside nor did my eyes get better.

      I tried metrogel for about 4.5 months and it did nothing for my acne.

      I can't seem to find a dermatologist that knows anything about the effects of acne treatment on my eyes or an optho who believes any of my eye issues are related to hormones or diet.

      It's so frustrating.


      • #18
        Rosacea, Such an interesting disease again I am not a doctor, but according to alternative medicine or Homeopathy, there is a theory exists that all Auto-Immune Disorders are caused from something called Leaky Gut Syndrome. This theory explains that a imbalance of intestinal flora cause immune system problems. This flora in the intestine may become off set due to medications taken in ones life time and unnatural foods eaten. Then they go on to explain some how that some how harmful micro organisms in the flora may be introduced to ones gut. These micro organisms, such as viruses or yeast or fungi, or other types of things create holes in the mucosa lining of the large intestine, thus Leaking into the body and the blood stream, The immune system then becomes somehow over taxed trying to fend off infection in the gut, and even mistakes its own tissue for infection, thus the auto immune disorder is born. The other part of the theory states, that somehow skin disorders like rosacea and other chronic infections are developed through this same method, that the immune system is in a way is weakened due to constant intestinal infections. I have heard that this theory is slowly being recognized by the traditional medical community that the large intestine and its flora do have a large role in the immune system, due to the fact that food is processed everyday there. However, in the homeopathic field, some have stated also that poor quality water could also be causing this Leaky Gut syndrome, causing auto immune disorders and other chronic conditions such as allergies, chemical sensitivities. There is a theory now emerging that some people may have trouble with fluoridated water, that high levels of fluoride in the water can cause bowel disorders such as the mysterious Irritable Bowel Syndrome. They state that somehow the fluoride in the water, can cause perforations in the mucosa lining of the intestine, thus allowing harmful micro organisms, chemicals, toxins and things that are in our food that we eat to enter ones bloodstream on a daily basis, causing chronic diseases. However this is all a theory though and you should consult with your doctor before making any diet changes.

        As far as Changing your diet, It might not hurt to eat better or drink cleaner water. After all I have heard from many doctors an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eating right and drinking clean water can improve ones health and possibly chronic conditions.

        As far as eating a healthy diet, eating whole Raw Foods, or taking raw foods and juicing them is a great method.
        As far as having clean water to drink, Distillation removes fluoride from the water and adding the right mineral content will greatly improve the taste. Minerals according to one physician I have heard are so important to health, from everything from glandular regulation, to blood sugar to the immune system. Getting the right amount of minerals in your diet will help along with vitamins from food, raw foods contain nutrients and vitamins. Processed foods that come out of a box or cans or frozen, lose all health benefits. Eating healthy actually isn't a bad practice either, not only is the food fresher, it tastes better, if one goes to the farmers market one finds that the tomatoes one buys is Very tasty compared to the conventional grocery store. I believe that the things that we put in our mouth have a great effect on our health. It might be time to look at what is going down the hatch.

        I do know that fish oil, with omegas in it is good for the skin and helping the skin cells create better oils, even some eye docs recommend it for dry eye.

        However, I am not a doctor and please consult your physician before making any dietary changes.


        • #19
          Hi Tiff,
          I am currently assuming the pose described by MeibomianGlandman, and have cut out all glutens and sugar. The only dairy I use is butter, and that should probably be eliminated too. I recently heard a gut guru say she had acne all of her life, and when she quit eating dairy, the acne was gone in three days. Because of additives and the genetic engineering of our food, there is a lot with which our bodies must cope. If you are sensitive to a certain food group, WHAM! I think there can been many causes of acne, and believe there are options with regard to antibiotics as mentioned above. Your dermatologist should be able to guide you. Best of luck to you.


          • #20
            I do eat raw, organic foods, no added sugar, no gluten, rarely any dairy, and take vitamins and omega supplements. The dermatologists just keep prescribing medications that either I can't take because of my eyes or don't produce results.

            Originally posted by LaDiva View Post
            Hi Tiff,
            I am currently assuming the pose described by MeibomianGlandman, and have cut out all glutens and sugar. The only dairy I use is butter, and that should probably be eliminated too. I recently heard a gut guru say she had acne all of her life, and when she quit eating dairy, the acne was gone in three days. Because of additives and the genetic engineering of our food, there is a lot with which our bodies must cope. If you are sensitive to a certain food group, WHAM! I think there can been many causes of acne, and believe there are options with regard to antibiotics as mentioned above. Your dermatologist should be able to guide you. Best of luck to you.


            • #21
              Tiff, Are you using steroids for allergy? We are treating gently with tea tree oil products as if there's demodex overgrowth. And taking a multivitamin with minerals in case of deficiencies.
              Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


              • #22
                Originally posted by tiff View Post
                I do eat raw, organic foods, no added sugar, no gluten, rarely any dairy, and take vitamins and omega supplements. The dermatologists just keep prescribing medications that either I can't take because of my eyes or don't produce results.
                Yes, eating organic foods is a wonderful practice, but I believe the major culprit that is not recognized here is the harmful effects of water fluoridation, I believe it to be the culprit in skin diseases. I mean you can eat all the right foods and still get no where if your digestive system is being constantly bombarded with fluoride. I mean that's why they call it tap water, it's basically made to not kill you but it may not be good for you though. It wouldn't hurt to improve the quality of water, and minerals your body gets, I heard these are so important. As for medications, you might ask yourself one night, What is causing this inflammation? What are the symptoms? I found that until I sat down and evaluated my symptoms and started reading those medical books that I learned a lot about what was going wrong. Listen to your body whats happening to it. As for Dry Eye I know exactly what you mean when you can't take certain medications that will aggravate your condition. I have found that some natural alternatives exist, but you must be careful, the natural things are just as effective as the traditional things. It might be good to consult a Naturopathic physician I have found that, sometimes natural things can fill in the gaps that traditional medicine can't or won't address.


                • #23
                  got this from this link re Finacea--looks like its nothing like retiniods..thankfully.


                  Azelaic acid therapy for acne

                  Author: Paula S. Mackrides, Allen F. Shaughnessy
                  Date: Dec, 1996

                  Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring substance derived from cereal grains. It was first investigated in Europe in the 1970s for the treatment of pigmented lesions such as melasma and tinea versicolor. One researcher noted that patients treated with azelaic acid cream for benign hyperpigmented disorders also had significant improvement of acne lesions within the treated areas.[1] Further study confirmed the serendipitous observation and, as a result, a 20 percent cream formulation of azelaic acid (Azelex) has recently been marketed. It is labeled for use in the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris.

                  Mechanism of Action

                  Acne is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the hair follicle and associated structures. The development of acne is related to increased production of sebum and abnormal cell turnover in the hair follicle, most frequently as a result of increased production of testosterone during adolescence. This combination plugs the follicle, causing a closed comedo (blackhead). Bacterial growth, usually Propionibacterium acnes, produces enzymes that break down the sebum. The products of this breakdown stimulate an inflammatory reaction involving the follicle and surrounding structures, resulting in an open comedo (whitehead).[2]

                  The mechanism by which azelaic acid exerts its therapeutic effect is not known. Chemically, azelaic acid is not related to other acne treatments such as tretinoin (Retin-A) or benzoyl peroxide, or to antibiotics such as tetracycline or erythromycin. Unlike isotretinoin (Accutane), azelaic acid does not decrease the production of sebum or reduce the size of sebaceous glands. Also, it does not affect levels of testosterone.

                  Azelaic acid shares some of the properties of other effective acne therapies. Like antibiotics and benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid is bacteriostatic against several anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms, including P. acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis. It also is a cytostatic agent similar to tretinoin, in that it decreases the thickness of the stratum corneum and decreases production of keratin. An anti-inflammatory effect of azelaic acid may also play a role in acne therapy. Azelaic acid is an oxygen free radical scavenger, which may provide the anti-inflammatory effect.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MeibomianGlandman View Post
                    Yes, eating organic foods is a wonderful practice, but I believe the major culprit that is not recognized here is the harmful effects of water fluoridation, I believe it to be the culprit in skin diseases.
                    This would be easy enough to figure out... there are lots of places in the world that have unfluoridated water. They would have zero incidence of skin diseases. I have found no ecological studies that show that. Can you point me to some research showing this connection, please?


                    • #25
                      Well Water Fluoridation Is a complex subject, it all goes back to intestinal Floria. The Reason why the floria in the intestine become messed up is because of water fluoridation, and the use of antibiotics. If the Intestinal Floria Are messed up, I believe inflammation and skin disorders become present because of this. I know this for a fact, because I tried an experiment recently, I have seborrheic dermatitis on my head and Dry eye you know and it was inflamed and itchy, I took some enteric Coated Garlic Capsules and after 3 days all the dermatitis was gone. It was amazing, Enteric Coated Means the garlic bypasses the stomach allowing the garlic anti-fungal properties of the garlic to take place in the intestine. Thus killing any yeasts if present, Well my theory that Yeast were the cause of the meibomian glands oils being solidified causing the dry eye and the infection in my eyes was caused by the infection on my head. Interesting things happened, The Infection on my head cleared up, but I ran into a small problem, The small problem was that my eyes became extremely inflamed. I wondered then why the garlic caused more inflammation in my eyes, Well I discontinued it and believed I had gotten some real answers. I knew If I was going to beat this thing that the only solution, was to be sure this time, I will be getting a diagnostic test of the floria in my gut to see whats really going on. I believe theres probably some harmful bacteria down there and in my body that are causing the dry eye and the skin disorders. Will keep you posted, as to what the results are, However during the Garlic even though my eyes became super inflammed, I noticed a huge improvement after I discontinued its use, I barely use eye drops now...Even the acne on my face cleared up its amazing...The inflammation greatly reduced and symptoms went away, but Not completely, I believe I have come up with the solution but I need to be sure. I believe tetracycline is the only thing that will get the job done this time, combined with the garlic you know. It will kill anything, the skin problem and the Dry eye I have is probably a double infection going on causing the inflammation and dry eye and scalp disorders. I believe, a lot of this has to do with intestinal problems ALOT! I've Been like 4 years into this thing now, and done research for 3 years, I mean, If you don't think Water Fluoridation causes Problems it does. I use to drink tap water like a fish, and I got this syndrome called I.B.S. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, after all was said and done and thousands of dollars in tests later, the doc told me he had no clue what caused it. However Stopped drinking tap water with fluoride in it and it went away. It would be interesting to see what would happen to those autoimmune peoples who drink tap waters if they stop drinking tap waters with fluoride in it. I mean what could it hurt really, We already brush our teeth with fluoride...preventing tooth decay...I believe I have stumbled on to something. I mean When I took the garlic...Even my gums healed up, I got receding gums and of course no one could help me with that problem. I mean It was amazing Inflammation GONE I wasn't even expecting that!

                      Will keep you posted as to what I find, Its all a hunch however. Only the Diagnostic Test will confirm the truth.

