Hello there,
I'm post lasik 7 months. What do I know:
1. MGD seems to be getting worse. Started out as mild, now docs seem to agree I have MGD.
2. TBUT scores vary between 4-6, so tear film is low obviously.
3. Emotionally having a very hard time.
4. Physically having a harder time.
I squint all the time. I wear goggles all the time. I can't drive much. Have had a week or two here and there where I can drive. Can't use computer except to post on dry eye zone, which is not often! Can't work. Tried to in the beginning but can't now. Can't read much. Look down most of the time. My right eye is much worse than left in terms of pain. Last night I had one of the worst eye pain days yet. It just puts me in bed basically on pain killers to get through it. Have no idea what causes it, just happens. My eye doc just told me recently to rest my eyes as much as possible. I am on anti depressants and anti anxiety, seeing counselors, hypnotism, etc. I have been working very hard to fill my emotional bucket so to speak, but my physical bucket just kicks me constantly. There have been days where it has been physically better, but not many. I have young children and we were a busy, productive family. That has obviously changed in many ways. I have a great support system, but it's hard on all of us to have so much stress for so long and knowing that this will not be a quick fix. I am thankful for those of you (I don't know if you want me to say your names publicly but you know who you are) that are calling me and writing me, but I thought I'd post out to the entire network (give you others a break )
Can someone with Lasik tell me that you had severe symptoms as well (I guess don't we all or we wouldn't be here) and got better, even a little bit over time?
How well can you function now?
I am just hoping that 2 years from now I can say "I still have dry eye but I can drive, read a book, watch a movie (ok, maybe not all on the same day), watch my kids school events, travel without so much fear, look forward to the future, can plan things in advance without worrying about being in so much pain I can't function, not worry I'm going to lose my eye, I'm again ok with the world"
What advice do you have for "newbies" like me?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions and support. I really appreciate it and cannot wait for the day when I can spend more time on the computer years from now giving advice to help the other newbies through this horrible time.
I'm post lasik 7 months. What do I know:
1. MGD seems to be getting worse. Started out as mild, now docs seem to agree I have MGD.
2. TBUT scores vary between 4-6, so tear film is low obviously.
3. Emotionally having a very hard time.
4. Physically having a harder time.
I squint all the time. I wear goggles all the time. I can't drive much. Have had a week or two here and there where I can drive. Can't use computer except to post on dry eye zone, which is not often! Can't work. Tried to in the beginning but can't now. Can't read much. Look down most of the time. My right eye is much worse than left in terms of pain. Last night I had one of the worst eye pain days yet. It just puts me in bed basically on pain killers to get through it. Have no idea what causes it, just happens. My eye doc just told me recently to rest my eyes as much as possible. I am on anti depressants and anti anxiety, seeing counselors, hypnotism, etc. I have been working very hard to fill my emotional bucket so to speak, but my physical bucket just kicks me constantly. There have been days where it has been physically better, but not many. I have young children and we were a busy, productive family. That has obviously changed in many ways. I have a great support system, but it's hard on all of us to have so much stress for so long and knowing that this will not be a quick fix. I am thankful for those of you (I don't know if you want me to say your names publicly but you know who you are) that are calling me and writing me, but I thought I'd post out to the entire network (give you others a break )
Can someone with Lasik tell me that you had severe symptoms as well (I guess don't we all or we wouldn't be here) and got better, even a little bit over time?
How well can you function now?
I am just hoping that 2 years from now I can say "I still have dry eye but I can drive, read a book, watch a movie (ok, maybe not all on the same day), watch my kids school events, travel without so much fear, look forward to the future, can plan things in advance without worrying about being in so much pain I can't function, not worry I'm going to lose my eye, I'm again ok with the world"
What advice do you have for "newbies" like me?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions and support. I really appreciate it and cannot wait for the day when I can spend more time on the computer years from now giving advice to help the other newbies through this horrible time.