Hello all,
I just wanted feedback on what some of you do to combat redness.
As of right now I used preservative free tears (Optive Refreshe)
and I just now started restasis.
along with restasis I am using Flarex.
I was using Pred Forte, which seemed to worked VERY WELL, but my opthamologist didn't want me using it long term, hence the Flarex.
It's weird though, my eyes look red in certain lights, and less red or even white in other lights, why is this?!
Any feedback would help! Thank you!
I just wanted feedback on what some of you do to combat redness.
As of right now I used preservative free tears (Optive Refreshe)
and I just now started restasis.
along with restasis I am using Flarex.
I was using Pred Forte, which seemed to worked VERY WELL, but my opthamologist didn't want me using it long term, hence the Flarex.
It's weird though, my eyes look red in certain lights, and less red or even white in other lights, why is this?!
Any feedback would help! Thank you!